Wednesday, November 23, 2005

a NeW Beginning..

right now, its almost one in the morning. and it's a schoolday!! For some reason, i wasn't feeling sleepy - plus, I had to continue my homework. Arrgghh!
what aggravates me the most is that when i'm planning on how to catch up in schoolwork and hoemeowkr, i get distracted somehow and it leaves me doing the project or schoolwork the day before it's due! i hate it!!
guess what? today we had a b-ball game in a basketball tournament...and we lost..that loss wasn't really bad, but i think it sort of made us realize that we really need to concentrate hard if we want to win more basketball tournaments!!
what sort of bugged me was that the opposing team we played had a pretty good player (i gotta admit) had short hair, like a boy, and everyone started teasing her. not in her face - but you know, like 'the people should check whether's he's a guy in disguise or whatever'.
oh well. the shallowness of people tends to come one way or another.
Pete Wentz. You rock my world.
i should be really getting back to bed right now. but the thing is, i still want to finish this blog. blogging is like a hobby for me now, it's sort of writing in my journal but typing is so much faster, and that way, you could type more feelings as it goes by you.
i don't know if i'm still infatuated by pete wentz. hehehe, pretty weird thing to say but still. i still dream about him and *fantasize* him as well, but the thing is, i'm not exactly sure whether he is PETE WENTZ or not. i mean *!he! pretty much looks like him, but when i see pictures of him now, it's not what i had imagined. does anyone know what i mean?!
still, he's the man of my dreams.*~*~*
in my mind, when i was typing that, i was thinking to myself - 'i know that a month or two after this, i would say, "how could i like this guy?!"
with every breath i wish your body will be broken again..again
right now, i'm totally into 3 songs from FOB - Homesick at Spacecamp, Chicago is So Two Years Ago, and Sophmore Slump or Comeback of the Year...they're totally awesome songs. when i'm free - i'll definitely put their lyrics in here..FOB's songs (written by Pete Wentz of course, aii, he's so talented!) are damn unique. i mean it's not like..
i woke up knowing today is the day that i'll die
the dog was barking into the park and enjoyed one last time
they'll totally express those words with deep and meaningful lyrics...
btw, if you're wondering that exempt is from Good Charlotte (i used to like their musique, but now i think it's sorta teenybopper material) - The Day That I'll Die
tonight the headphones will deliver the words that i can't say
i love 'homesick at spacecamp''s about missing somebody, but not exactly your bf/gf, it could be a friend as well. when i was listening to that, i wanted this guy in my class who's leaving SOON, like in 2 weeks or something, to hear this song. he's not a big fan of FOB and for his going-away present, i'm planning to give him a mix CD and a letter telling him to listen 2 the lyrics!!
he's realy popular with the laydees, heheehehe. he's everything a girl can ask for - i guess. one of my close friends is like IN LOVE with him seriously. i'll explain more about this later, but i seriously don't have any feelings for him anymore. i only like him as a guy best friend, something that doesn't grow on trees. it's a celebrated victory for me that has to go unnoticed that he told me the girl who he likes - guess who it is? my friend!! i really want him to tell her, you know, just to make her happy. if she finds out, happy is def. not the word to express what she'll feel. he better do it soon or...
i'm getting sort of tired right now. i need to sleep
*sweet dreams*


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