Tuesday, December 06, 2005

In This Diary..

it's the real me this time. this post is really going to express myself.
as i'm writing this, 'don't cha' is blasting endlessly in the radio i'm in. sort of ironic, cause that song is the type of song that i really don't enjoy.
black polish is so in right now. i just put on some while watching one tree hill (where some parts I found were a bit cheesy but hey, it's a teenage soap opera!). I got to admit, it's pretty messy, but ahhh, who gives, ya know?
I'm planning to grow my hair long - it grows really fast. i have to admit, i sort of have an admiration for my hair. I like it that it's dead-straight, although there are times where I wish for curly or at least! wavy hair! hahhahaah, yet right now, i feel sort of 'punkish', well, not exactly like that, but you know the, 'get-creative-with-your-inner-self-with-the-black-attitude'. I guess it's a phase where most teenagers tend to face whilst discovering themselves. Anyways, yea, I'm planning to grow my hair long - right now, it's around my chest, but I'm going to give it till it touches my stomach. I'm sick and tired of growing my hair till the length it is right now and deciding to cut it till it's on the tip of my shoulders. I've grown through that phase and, I want to try something new for once. hhehehehe xP
alright, what else is new?! I really want my mom to come home, but there are a few matters that made me quite enjoy the leave. It's definitely not because my mom, I love her to death. I think about her everyday, yet I have yet to discover that I am on the road to self-discovery, and because of that, I tend to think more about myself. But later, I feel really guilty because of that. I'm trying my hard to think more about others, and less for myself.
My skin is so brown right now, from all the sunshine we've been getting lately. The event that made me look like s*** was the Sticky Day, where we had to be under the sun for A LONNG time! The bra I was wearing left me with a mark, it's so damn ugly! I really want whiter skin, like light-brownish tannish, like my sister! Right now, I look like TOAST! Speaking of Sticky Day, there's this dude from a guest band that's been messaging me from Friendster. He sent me a short message saying that he met me in Sticky Day and thought I was cute. Okayy, I got to admit, I was sort of flattered, but I didn't actually believe it. I really thought at first he was mistaking me for Christy or whoever. But then I found out he was actually talking about me! It's pretty weird..
I got to admit, I admire the flattery I get from guys. Problly because I feel sort of 'under-quality' compared to the other girls in my class. Alright, I really want to talk about it, but yet, I feel that I shouldn't be judging people from their looks. Anyways, it seems that people nowadays tend to judge people for their exterior looks, not their inner personality - which truly makes a person more beautiful. I myself think that if the personality is type-A high quality to a girl, that makes him even more HOTTER to her. If sucks that we are all surrounded by this new trend and that one by one, we slowly but surely, get influenced deeply by this. I myself think that I already got influenced by this.
OMG, my computer needs to love me! OMG! please tell me that it can download and let me see Fall Out Boy's DANCE DANCE! OMG, please pretty please..I watched this before but I had visitors and I couldn't get to enjoy it and all..I know I'm talking crap but still...I need to see their musique videos!!! I tremble and fall when I hear them..and then I lose my interest in whatever I was doing before.


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