Thursday, June 22, 2006

There Is..

my last day here in netopia.
i'm definitely going to miss it.
what's wrong with me?
i'll explain when i get back. somehow.
ORIGINAL. not a teenybopper!
okay, let me explain. i looked at a few friend's xanga profiles, and i have no idea why i got disappointed everytime i see something that's in their website that i was planning to put in mine. i think i strive to be unique and individual as much as i can. i hate copycats. i'm beginning to despise them. from now on, i made up my mind that i'm not going to look at any pages until i'm completely satisfied with mine. i'm going to start putting on nice pictures and decorate the website, put what i got to in my blog entries, and when i'm done, i'm going to start adding people. i also want to start joining a few blogrings.
i hope i can finish all of this before summer is over.
ohh i wish that we can have enough money to pay for the outstanding fees and get my report card before school year starts. what i hate about it is that i got to get it wayy later than the others.
now that i think about it, i constantly wish for a new life. but i know it's something that i can't get to, because complications rise in the air. i'm in a messed up mood right now because the headphones that i'm using doesn't work well and i'm quite terrified that my new i heart 80s shirt got exchanged to my sister's college clothes. arggh! i want that shirt! have you ever had that feeling when you're not sure where something is, and you can't seem to rest until you find it? i think i'm developing an obsessive disorder regarding that.


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