Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Truth & Reconciliation..

purevolume just doesn't get any better.
i really hope i can get my internet upgraded when we get home.
hmm, what happened?? i think some issues had risen, but its issues regarding my confidence towards new people and all, being friendly or back away from them. that's whats really bothering me. it's like the friends that i currently have is like the ones that i'm going to have forever or something. seriously. i keep telling myself that the next time, i'll start talking and being all friendly, but then, i don't. i feel confident right now, but i know when the moment actually comes, i'll just fall apart and surround myself with mirrors that seem to always be there.
i guess i have to start being super extra friendly to the ones that i'm acquainted with.
i'm being serious in a way that i'm not.
okayy, what else? i'm wasting my time here upgrading my profile in friendster. i love it right now. it's not all fallout boy profilish (except for a few references and their newest video) but i put a death cab image for the background. it looks totally awesome. its like, warm and soothing in a way. all, earthy and brown.
after upgrading my profile and finishing this entry, i'm looking forward to watch america's next top model. hahaha, it's become really addicting!
i hope coming home won't be as nightmarish as my mind can imagine it. seriously, it pretty much consists of my mother putting her heart out to cleaning the apartment, which me and my dad didn't exactly keep it like a five star room. i don't want her to get sick again. i don't want her to get overstressed and complications will rise and rise. we seriously need to get a maid and FAST!
i don't know why but this happens. when my parents offer me to switch schools, they offer schools where i don't like. the reason why i don't like them is because their not highly recognized. they offer these such small schools. i don't like small schools. i want a school where it's pretty big. but the truth of the matter is, they can't afford it. even the school i'm currently in is tough to keep up. what i feel is that it isn't worth the money. i mean, seriously, right after the national tests, for the rest of the last FOUR weeks of school, we just relax and dozed off. if i want to go to the uni that i want to which is a pretty tough school to get into, i need a foundation of strong discipline and quality education. i don't think my school really offers that.
it promised to get better but i don't see ANY improvements. it better get improving this year!!
i gots to start studying the SATS.
i gots to loadsa things and it ain't helping writing it all down here.


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