Friday, December 09, 2005

Reinventing The Wheel Before I Run Myself Over..

he is one fine hottie xP xP *!*i (heart) pete wentz!!!~*~* Has anyone noticed he's wearing a harry potter shirt?
brothers and sisters.
Aite, just wanted to share today's Leo horoscope (btw, Leos sorta rule xP)
Every day offers you a chance to learn something new -- especially today. Enjoy it.
In Detail
The lion's definitely in a no-bull mood -- you're saying what you mean and meaning what you say, forcefully. Meanwhile, your tolerance for watching others beating around the bush is perhaps at an all-time low. Yours may not make for the most pleasant communication, but at least everyone comes out knowing where they stand -- and that's the kind of new knowledge you can really use at the moment. Afterward, move on to learning more enjoyable things.
that's so on today. heheheehe xP
Some of us decided to go to Chitos. That's where I moved on to learning more enjoyable things. Does money buy happiness? At first, I really thought so, but then again, we should start appreciate the fine things in life that money can never ever buy. If it somehow finds a way to money, it makes it all sort of *fake* and all. Can't really explain it, but still, I know it's hard to NOT get influence in an environment that is so full of it, I swear. But I realized, we really start to appreciate (APPRECIATE! That's my new favorite word!) our family, friends, and most of all, yourself.
There are some people in class where I'm not really comfortable with - nothing serious, really, I totally have nothing against them but when it's just two of us, it's really difficult on what to say, I really prefer it when it's three or more people, you know? I just really hate it - I feel really guilty and just uncomfortbale at the same time. I guess you can say it became an irrational (is that the right word?) fear that is developing on me. Looking forward to overcome it.
From my point of view, there is one friend of mine that I used to be really close is starting to drift away. I think one of us had noticed something different (hmmm, I don't know, like talking behind one's back). Btw, what talking behind someone's back about? Is it making some s*** up about someone, or just expressing one's feelings towards one's actions and all? Ahhhh...anyways, this girl is definitely starting to change. And one reason to blame is the influence some us had surrounded her. I know that people won't admit that, probably they knew it all along, or they refuse to blame themselves and point their finger towards someone else. I don't know, it's just so..different. I bet she enjoys the attention she gets from the boys, and in school, she gets sorta...i don't know that word. Like, overly too focused, you know? And I must admit, she's the smartest girl in our class, and whenever someone gets higher than her, I can tell she's really suprised and all, *like after all, she's the smartest girl.* I don't know whether we're just jealous, and that was a vital part into noticing that she was different, I don't know. Our close friendship - really different from all the friendships earlier, but not better. It's just..close, you know? Like we have the similar perspectives in school, friends, and the current situation in school. We understand it, and I like to call our conversation as 'intellectual chat'. Now, that I noticed she changed and all, and I act sort of different towards her, and I really know that she notices it. And that's how we drifted apart. Two things that sort of triggered it - one, is her really close relationship with a guy friend that I used to be close to, until I noticed he had some feelings for me. What kept me away from him was that I really didn't know whether I had feelings for him, and the fact, tha he knows that I knows, and the endless criticisms of his physical appearance with my friends. Some are really harsh - but I can't tell whether what we laugh at about him is really mean critical or just lighthearted fun. I don't know - but truthfully, it sorts of tilts toward the really mean and critical part. I sort of want it to stop, but then again, it's something that we friends do, but then it's mean.
The other thing is that she is starting to develop my rising passion for expressing feelings and emotions. I mean, okayy, I have this unhealthy addiction for Fall Out Boy. I start talking my ass off about this band, and now she's all *addicted to them or something. It's sort of annoying - you know, she starts to comment how addicting is the songs, and then she starts looking for their lyrics and put em in her MSN name. First, it was alrite and sort of flattering, you know, but then you get that sense of trailing behind you..argggh!
I got here addicted to Green Day (I used to have this crush on Billie Joe before and I told her all about it, then now, it's her idol of the moment), the songs 'Let Me Go' & 'Things I'll Never Say' and 'Dance, Dance' (this is where it sort of got tense) and finally, 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'. It's like, she gets addicted to a song where I used to be addicted to - when she liked 'Dance, Dance', I was addicted to 'Seven Minutes In Heaven'..and now she is!!! ARGGGHHHHH!
That's the not the worst thing - she asked me if she can borrow my Fall Out Boy CD! ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
I think I'm getting the Peyton Sawyer vibe from One Tree Hill..I totally admire her! I love her style, her attitude (it ain't perfect, but it's defintely something I can relate to), her art (I am starting to get interested in sketches and all) and most of all, her taste of music. I totally admire her expertise in the field of rock music. I mean, her room is full of her artwork (I love that! But I admit, I am not that artistic!) while she has like tons and tons of CDs and Vinyls (i love those..*sighs, but you can't get them here in Indonesia. Well, maybe you could, but it'll probably be too rare or something. Her taste in musique is awesome, everything just rock. You know it, grunge,punk,alternative, ALL! No Simple Plan or Good Charlotte or whoever. It's basically just underground and INDIE!!! I absolutely love that!! *by the way, as I'm typing this right now, I am listening to some cheesy 'I Miss You Like Crazy' song in the radio. It's so full of it, I swear. I hate it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to have an expertise in rock like hers. Since the rock that she likes isn't really available in CDs, I usually check out in Aksara Bookstores (their CD collection is awesome! I found a Panic! At the Disco record there but the next time I went there, it wasn't there anymore! Arggh! If I can't do that, I try to download them online. Mostly bands that were recommended from Fall Out Boy (like their influences, lolz) and a few rock websites (Nirvana).
I want to develop the rock girl style. You know, like unique vintage shirts and skirts, with the studded belt and black nail polish, black jewelry, and rings. Not too *rock*, you know, like those gosh-awful stockings and all *shudders*. Definitely a mix between vintage-rock glamour. Awww, that's awesome. Something like a mix between Peyton Sawyer and Alex from the O.C. I hope hthis rock trend could stay inside me for a long tyme..who knows, if I get into the peasant skirt and tops, I would need to get a whole new wardrobe! I can't wait to go to Philippines (one, because I get to see my MOM and Sister! I miss them so damn much!) to see this vintage shop that my sister introduced me too. I bet when I go there I would shop for so many shirts!
Roxy, Billabong, all those brands are so darn expensive! But I realized, from a magazine, is to get the basics before you buy anything. The basics should be something that could always be worn with multiple clothings. So far, I only like this bag (Rp.145,000 - one of the cheapest prices *coughs* out of their accessories, I swear), this top (I'm not entirely sure about this one, because you can get similar tops with the same style in cheaper prices), and at least a skirt! Ohh, and black Converses as well, I really need those! They are like, the basis for any rock styles, they can fit into almos anything. I must say there is also a few accessories and jewelry that I would love, but I'll wait till I am*financially secured*. A Roxy skirt will probably fit into any of my tops. I just have to find the right one.
Black nail polish is so damn awesome.
I wish I can get a job right now. I feel so guilty for taking my dad's money - when the fact jumped back to me once again that my dad's credit card bills add up till Rp.80 million. I still don' t know our current financial situation, but I'm better at the dark. I don't want to face the negative side. Not a full-time job, mind you, but something like a free lancer or whatever, just to earn some spending money that i can SHOP!
Alrite, after getting the fact of our current financial situation (my dad can't my report card this week, where it's actually our report card day because he didn't pay it yet.) I want to get off before our bill gets too high. I admit that i spent a lot of time in the internet.
*one of my best written blogs.
*i love pete wentz.
infinite x's and o's.


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