Sunday, May 21, 2006


officially the first day of 'being-an-expat', relaxing without the worries of doing the dreadful national exams. so far, i'm liking it. but a small part of me is wondering whether they're still pissed, and whether they'll start bitching about me behind my back over something really small. i really hope they don't.
i realized back in friday that i can't please anyone, and if anyone has a problem with that, f*** it. i think everyone needs to realize that they can't please anyone, and that there will always be someone that won't *click* with them.
i got to accept that i'm not one of those outgoing people. i prefer staying at home more then going out for some reason. i like watching tv and using the computer rather than going out sometimes. i'm really into the homey atmosphere.
i'm one episode of the 24 season 4. to tell you the truth, it ain't bad at all, i actuallLIKE IT, even though some of the characters from season 3 weren't there. the characters really start to grow on you. i can't wait till season5! i hope tommrow i can get it. and some other tv shows as well!
ooh, what else yeah? i just typed a whole sentence but then decided not to put it here because i know it'll be a total waste to put it here. anyways, what else??
I can't wait till we go to the Philippines! I get to see my mother again! I hope the fun that I am currently experiencing won't result into something dreadful in the future. Like, it'll come back to me, you know? I think I believe in karma, but in some terrific ways that life puts it, where most humans are too blinded to see it.
I hope I can save my money into buying something really worth, not like magazines (well, maybe one purchase of Rolling Stones is enough, but I can't make any promises, I guess). But I would really like purchasing something like jeans or a really nice top, or even some makeup in the mall.
I hate listening to a song filled with painful nostalgic memories. Well, most like embaressing or just plain immature. If it was songs that I cried myself to sleep while getting over something, than I would consider that a sweet nostalgic.
What else? I think I'm bringing myself to made-up excuses to create something that is worth reading in the future.
Oh well.
Since I don't really have anything really big to do, I'll go back watching TV or something.


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