Friday, April 28, 2006

Love Will Come Through..

i confess, i messed up.
all those feelings. yup, think it's still there . almost definitely fo sure. i felt it today. can't stop looking at you. but you don't notice.
wtf? i hate my stupid SLOW's like i'm writing something..well just say tapping on the keyboard..and then it takes like what 15 seconds or maybe 15 mintues to show it in the comuter's just slow slow. it's driving me fckin nuts.
** mega huge plans for tommroow. benefits for some people.doesn't benefit for other people. the most that i'm worrying about it probably my dad. i hope he doesn't take it too seriously. i just want to spend tyme with my friends. its not like i don't want to NOT spend tyme with him or something. it's just that...i don' t know. i still love him. but yet it feels weird, maybe from the basis that i think he's going to tell my mom, and my mom's going to tell me that family is important and that i shouldn't hangout with my friends too often or something. and i feel guilty and disappointed at many angles. and it's all during the current mid-crisis situation that she's currently facing.
** i really hope she can pass the fiveyear situation. i'm pleading with all my hopes. i hope God can help her.
so sick so sick of tied and also tired of being know how i obviously desperately obvious..i love that song from TBS..
i miss my mom so fckin much.
yeahh. i couldnt stop looking at you today. but yeah, you didn't notice. i know you still like her. or the other. or the other. i guess i'm not good enough for you. or, you would like me, but never truly truly like me. maybe better as a friend...never a girlfriend..oh well. i could live with that. like it hurts that much anyways.
i'm spitting out lucky smoke friends. on the high on the high of discovering my true friends. the ones i feel most comfortable with. who accepts me who i am. i know that i have to accept that they will treat me differently depending on who they are. their just human beings. i am too. i might treat indifferently from the way i should be treating them.
i just gotta accept that.
sex, drugs, and cocoa puffs. guilty pleasure.
i want happiness. realizing that you don't really need a guy to make you truly happy **yet everyone else thinks so** is one of the most liberating things.
i guess.
there are more things in life than sulking your self about not being able to get a guyy.


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