Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It Hurts..
i think i'm head over heels for you. either that or i just want some company. i want your company. ur exclusive company.
the thing that really sucks is that...YOU DON'T LIKE ME ANYMORE X(
gimme a sign...OMG..i hate feeling like this..but after moaning and groaning and crying (not really crying, but making sounds similiar to crying)...i just have to let it out...
one thing's for got to make that first step. arggh...i don't want to think about it..i don't wanna feel this way anymore..i do, but if you'll bring it all back.. attempt to change the braces FCKING HURT!!! hmm..i wonder what he's thinking of..i bet some gurl in his skewl..arghh..fcker!!!!!!!! don't leave me hanging dammnit...i've been on this before..and i expected the greatest but all i got was anything caught below it..
homework..joseph stalin..adolf hitler..cartesian planes...anything..except YOU! you make it all've gone too far..was my actions too i hallucinating?????
i don't want to think about you. i want to think about....anything else but you. ANYTHING ELSE that grabs me by the hand and spins me till everything is blur. well, not exactly, but the adrenaline felt is pretty much the same..
okayy..hope for better futures..
there are about 7 billion people in this world. sometimes, all you need is 1.
there are about 7 billion souls that are currently walking in this worl.d and and sometimes, all you need is 1.
my braces hurt. especially the loose wire that keeps poking the inside of my cheek..and this sariawan growing on the tip of my tongue. argghh..but that loose wire..its making my cheek friggin IRRITATED...which is making me more IRRITATED than before..stop poking dammnit!
omg..its annoying the hell out of me...stop!!! and i'm hungry...i want...this pain to stop. please.
let the reigns go lose again.


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