Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Secret's in the Telling..

i hate braces. i hate braces. okay, i just got the wires on yesterday, and it hurt like hell. i had no idea that it would be such a pain-in-the-ass!! i couldn't concentrate that much today..well, school's been really...boring. seriously man..it really is..i hate it now. but oh well..i just got to hope for better futures..once again..huh??
argghh...i can't eat any hard food now..i tried, during lunchtime..lasagna from the canteen...which tasted horrible..and now with wafers and bread...ohh the pain x(
i hope it could all benefit for those useless eating binges, huh?? argghh..i know my writing might be a little kiddish for me right now, but i got a good excuse. these damn metal things around my mouth. it's all going to be worth it someday. someday, i'm going to have great teeth for years to come. it's all going to be worth it..it's all going to be worth it...
boyys..you may be surrounded with them, but all you need is one.
when i'm alone..i confess, i'm being vindicated by the hunger of you right now. i hope that one day, you just want to pour all those emotions. make me feel it, make you feel it. i yearn for that moment where we both aren't shy for once shyness is our enemy, but for this moment, it never seemed to come across us. we are bold, we are rendered and captured by these feelings.
arggh, what am i talking about? i obviously have no clue whether you have the same feelings or not...he doesn't call..chat that much...or whatnot...is there someone else???
okayy..why does it smell like vomit of all sudden...its starting to creep me out...
alright what else?? i have another problem..i know it seems small..but it's sort of a big problem..should i givemy youth camp form back on the exact date?? but i have no idea how to give it..partly because my fear of disturbing their 'perfect lives' or what they would react..i don't know if its available if i can drop it off in one of their houses..but i hope i can still go..arggh!! i know it isn't a big problem..but seriously, how am i going to give this??
a small problem becomes bigger only if you let it. i'm letting this one become one.


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