Monday, January 07, 2008


I've been thinking...should I continue this blog when I start college, or start fresh anew? I'm yearning for a fresh new start with a fresh new everything, except for a few treasured memories, nostalgic memorabilia, and also things that can stimulate my intellectual/spiritual areas in my mind.
While others are partying or spending time with their family, I've been going around Philippines, trying to sort my priorities in order. At this moment, I'm suffering from a cold (I seem to have this New Year bug, where I always get at the beginning of a new year) and writing this in front of my dad's laptop in our house at Sucat. Two more days till I finally go back home.
In 6 months, the word 'home' will be hard to mention. Which of the two would I claim home? The place where my first footsteps till my first kiss (unfortunately) took place, or the place where my blood reigns of similarity? So far, I can only say that the first one is the one I can always claim as my home.
Anyway, despite my stupid flu, I managed to go to the school that I was ACCEPTED in. 6th January 2008 should be a day that I never forget. That was the day when I found out that I was ACCEPTED at one of the best private universities in the Philippines. Remember the hard decision that I thought that I had to face in choosing between the two unis? Well the first one that my dad's legacy had chosen me. The first time I went there in this vacation didn't seem to strike me as spectacular. But after learning that this prestigious place had accepted ME (to be one of their 2,000 students), it totally changed my view of them today. It seemed that it was ready to open its arms to embrace me.
Despite of the language differences, I'm pretty confident that I will overcome the hurdle. Not only will it require self-persevverance, but also close support of my family and friends. It's a hurdle that I will have to determine myself to be some sort of a stepping stone towards independence.
I guess you can say that this blog entry is some sort of epiphany. It's been quite some time now since I opened my heart towards you and it feels quite good to do something that I'm confident will get the message through.
Anyhoo, I must go soon. Curfew awaits.
Best wishes,


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