Saturday, December 10, 2005

Dancing When The Stars Go Blue..

heyy..ho..what's the dealio?
hehehe, aite, so it's Sunday noon right now, and I'm currently downloading Fall Out Boy songs now. Speaking of Fall Out Boy, remember that person I told you about? Well, she just chatted with me and said that she *is currently addicted to FOB right now*. Hmm, I guess you know who got her there, huh? I don't know why but that really really PISSED me off A LOT (believe me) before. But then, I realized that I don't blame her, their an awesome band, and she's not the only person besides me whose been sucked into their vacuum. And if she continues to copy my style (I sound so arrogant!), I'll pity her, cause she can't seem to find her own style and all. Oh well, her loss.
That was a lesson for me, the next time I discover something that's really cool, I shouldn't be parading it around my friends. Well, from time to time it's alright I guess, but aahhhh.... this is so not the way I want explain it. Let's just say I'm very individualistic - and I'm on the midst of finding my own identity.
I have learned lessons, I can't really explain it here right now, but I know I discovered them. I guess I'll just keep it inside my head for the moment..
I just finished watching One Tree Hill. Man, it's awesome! I want to start watching it again, because I don't know, I didn't seem to enjoy like I wanted it to towards the last feepisodes. I wanted to be like, you know, all hands-biting and shouting my head off in the finale. But I just acted fine. It's hard to explain, maybe it's because I have other things in my mind, but I don't want that! It's like, I keep constantly reminding myself that it's just a teenage soap and I keep wondering what they are really feeling inside when they are playing the part, like I focus in their every move. It sort of ruins the moment. I admire the story the mo*morals* they try to get out, and it's just, really honest, in my opinion.
The music in it is awesome!! It's totally from underground artists, and it really captures the emotions because the director and all focus on the musique during the scenes. I heard it's because they're really huge fans of musique.
Nathan + Haley >>> FOREVER!
Peyton >>> my idoL!
Alright, what else? If I compare this to my Friendster blog, this one is so much more meaningful, I swear. All I do there is complain and all. Hahahahahahaha xP
Yesterday, I cleaned my butt off by brooming, sweeping, mopping, and all that in my small apartment. I admit, it really made me pooped. I can't believe how much dust and hair can pile in less than a week. After cleaning, it made me really cranky and I wanted to sleep till eternity. Argggh, cleaning the house is alright, I guess. It tests myself how much can I do it, you know? My dad's is going to find a maid that can come at least once or twice a week to help us out. I hope it's alright. There are still Christmas decorations all over the place, and I'm worrying how we are going to put it all away, cause my mom usually does that. Especially the Christmas tree. Arrggh, I hope we can settle this. x( It's going to be pretty hard, my dad's sort of lightloose, like when I asked him about this, he just shrugged and said tht that we'll just leave it (i know he was just kidding). It's seems like he has already enough with his work and all. Whenever I ask him for something, he takes it absentmindedly. I haven't noticed it till now. It's beginning to get sort of aggravating. After that, I noticed it made a not-so-hard-wall between us. I just don't know.
Last night, after we went to church, we went to Chitos along with that woman that always keep trailing us (it's sometimes really REALLY annoying!). It's like, we have no privacy every after church or something. I know my dad doesn't mind, he keeps inviting her that's why. Arggh! Oh yea, at Friday, some of us decided to go to Chitos and watch a movie. I watched 'Just Like Heaven' instead of 'Chronicles of Narnia'. It's pretty bittersweet, romantic comedy. Heheehehehehehe. That was pretty fun, but sort of short because a couple of us had to leave early, including me. A couple still stayed at Chitos, but I didn't really feel comfortable at the moment to stay with them cause at that moment, I felt really self-conscious in what we'll do if it was just us, and then I decided to tell my dad to pick me up in one of my friend's houses.
One of my top wishlists in the future is getting a job. I really want a part-time job. I admit, it's pretty hard getting one here in Indonesia in the age of fourteen. One of my dream jobs is working in Aksara. Hahaha, I don't know what to do. I'm scared to ask my dad for help, like you know, my parent is helping me talk to the person for a job. I'm scared to do it alone. But I really need the money. Ahhhh, the woes of a desperately confused teen. xP xP
Alright, enough worrying. I'm gonna paste some pics of FOB (agen!!!)



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