Monday, May 29, 2006

Pieces of Me..

No offense, but if there was a chance if I can ever get a faster computer with larger memory, I would definitely take it.
It’s so hard to cope with a such a slow computer like this. I don’t know how I could manage with this. I wish I had my own computer in my room with internet connection which is not SLOW as this one.
Hmm, what’s going on?
AT SCHOOL?? >>>> despite a few very annoyingly shallow people (won’t mention any names here) it’s flat-out BORING. The only thing that keeps me going on at school is taking pictures with my friends and talking to them. Seriously, I really think all the teachers have caught on the post-holiday feeling, you know, can’t-wait-till-it’s-the-end-of-school-so-i-can-relax time?? But for the rest of the students, we’re just sitting there, being miserable. There are things that are running out to talk with because it’s just so bored, I swear. I’m breathing for relief knowing that I would leave earlier than others. Yesshhh…
Despite all that, I’m still struggling with the fact that nearly all my friends that I hang out with have boyfriends..speaking of boyfriends, I’ll tell you a sad story that happened…well, for me it was sad SAD.
AT HOME?? I like staying home. I have no idea during the time where I stayed over at my friend’s house (yup, the birthday sleepover!), have you ever had those times where all you want to be is just alone and by yourself? It’s a black and blue feeling, and I can feel it from time to time. You just want to isolate yourself from the rest of the world, because you feel most comfortable by yourself. It’s a weird feeling. Seriously.
I am in love with being home.
Ooh, things that happened during the sleepover.
One of my friends is such an idiot. She knows she has a weak stomach but she chose to continue eating balls of wasabi in the sushi resteraunt. She started to feel really sick all the time, rushing to the bathroom during the mall AND at home. Seriously, the worst situation was at home. While we were taking pictures of ourselves in the pool, she didn’t feel really good, and then she went over to the far side of the poolside and started throwing up. We could actually hear her throwing up. As you didn’t know, I have a huge phobia of throwing up. Anything with the action of throwing up just freaks out me totally. I don’t know, it’s not even funny. I just can’t stand it. That’s my worst phobia.
That’s just the beginning. She begun telling us that she had ‘an accident in the bathroom but she cleaned it up. Arggh, that really grossed me out seriously. Blehhh.. and you know what happened? When she was alone in the room with me, she started saying ‘Gel, pass me the nearest bucket’. I saw one nearby but truthfully, I didn’t have the guts to pass it to her. I was terrified that she’s going to throw up midway. So I said ‘There’s none dude’ and I stepped out of the room. When I was going down the stairs, I heard her coming out of the room, and when I looked away, I heard those awful vomit splatters on the floor, which really freaked me out. I was like, when I was going down the stairs, like ‘ew ew ewe w ew, she threw up she threw up!’ Apparently she threw up halfway to the door and towards the bathroom. Blehhhhhhhhhhh… I didn’t want to sleep on the bedroom seriously did not want to smell what she had and all that. Blehhhhh… But then at the end we all slept there.
OMG. The worst thing was during the time when we went home, their BOYFRIENDS started calling them. I was like, WTF? And then they started apologizing them and all that crap, seriously. I was angered, but I really don’t know whether at myself or them. I just hate the fact that they all boyfriends except for me. I have another friend who’s in the same situation as me but she wasn’t allowed to sleepover (it was the same girl whose parents found her condom inside the wallet. SO yeahh, I had to spend nearly 20 minutes or so trying to deal with putting on the sound of TV so I can watch ‘Simple Life’ while they baby name their boyfriends. I hated that so much.
Another bad time. While we were talking all of us in the room, we started hearing ‘noises’. You know what noises they were? Her parents were doing ‘stuff’ on their bedroom, you know what I mean? Seriously, we heard stories of her trying to deal with hearing those noises and all that, and when we actually heard it, we knew exactly why. We know it was a normal thing, but seriously, our parents??? It’s something that us teens do not want to imagine them doing. It’s flat-out WEIRD. What’s really weird they knew her friends were there. Damnn.. I hope in the future, I would get a house where the kids bedroom and the parents bedroom are pretty far and definitely SOUND-PROOF.
Hmm, what else? I envy her house. It’s really awesome – very homey and classy at the same time. I really like her bedroom as well. It’ s just, really original with lots and lots of awesome clothes and great furniture along with many great small knick-knacks and photos. I really want to get more photos of ourselves and place them into my bedroom. I really like her style as well. It’s very, stylish. She’s a great fashionista. I love her fashion. I’m so jealous. I guess you can say that I want to start being a fashionista of my own, but not grabbing her style, but my style originally. Like, you know, taking risks instead of the usual shirts and jeans and stuff. I want to try baby dolls, different types of tops and skirts as well. I want to start a fashion diary, taking what I like in magazines and putting them in a place for inspiration.
FASHIONISTA…here I come..what I really really want is an awesome pair of LEGGINGS!!!!!!
There’s a huge list of what I want from clothes..I just want to be quite original, you know? The huge problem is where can I find affordable clothing that can suit my style? There are a few places but I’m not sure. Maybe when it’s my birthday or something. I don’t know yet. The mall has damn expensive clothing!!! I’ll only take the essentials or really special things…argghh!!!!!
I hope I can get my own curling iron soon. I am in love with my hair curly!!!!!!!
I want a scarf as welll!!
Hmmm..what else??
OKayy, I’ll just do those stuff in my head. Lately, there’s loads of imagining that I refuse to put down in words. It just ruins the moment.
Speaking of RUINING THE MOMENT..I was reading a pretty cool interview of Pete Wentz..and I stumbled upon knowing the fact that he ‘digs’ some girl from Chicago..that lucky bithc !! I swear, I couldn’t stop cursing at the computer screen…saying lucky &#$*(@*#$(*#@$! (@*%*^&*@)^(@&(*R(*$@(%*@$(%*@$)(%*)($@*%)(@*$%
I really hated that. But then I knew I got to move on, you know? Just mind his own business, and I got to mind mine!! ARGHH…lucky BITCH!!!!!!!!!! OMFG.. I swear she is so lucky. She better treat him right. I want him to be happy x) *sobs sobs*
What can I say? I guess this crush is totally different. I love his fcking personality, and there’s nothing that could stop it.
Still though….

Goodbye my 'lover'...fucking hot...


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