Sunday, July 09, 2006

I Shall Believe..

i does it take for people to notice your blog? it's a scrutinizing chance, about one in what?? a billion?? blogging has become a trend for everyone, and people all over the world are blogging, and i bet that there's over a thousand of them thinking of the same thing, 'why isn't my blog getting any response?'. oh well, if it's faith, then it's faith.
what do i believe?? let's talk about beliefs. what do i believe? well, i come from a strong Catholic background and that's what i grew up in. i think a majority of strong Catholic influences is circulated around my beliefs. i do have faith in God, but it's the kind of faith that hasn't fully matured yet. i'm being straight-out honest. but it's a faith that's getting stronger as i grow older. but i know there are people out there who are more open to their Catholic roots than i am. i'm not speeding up to keep up with them, i know that it's better to take it slow than to rush off without any real meaning. and i'm accepting it as it grows. but i do question whether if someone didn't actually 'refuse' to accept Christ as their personal saviour but just followed another religion, would that person actually, go to hell? i mean, i don't think that that person did anything wrong, maybe like me, that person had grown up in a fixated religion background, and that shows a huge chunk of influence into him but i do believe that God knows every single thing - and that includes every SINGLE angle in a situation. He knows everything, more of what us humans know, and i know that He doesn't shun people from heaven because of different beliefs. as i heard from someone in an online discussion board, maybe it depends on our own religion. if that person has some sort of paradise after living on Earth and that person was a good devoted follower, then he will go to that paradise, but it's not the idea of heaven, like what Christians believe. i don' tknow, that sort of question is way to complicated for a girl who's trying to enjoy her summer vacation.
but i do believe what goes around - comes around.
i'm a more open-minded person.
The GK conference meeting wasn't all that bad. what i got to worry is whether i will be able to 'survive' without my friend. since the move to another school may affect the time she'll be there, i hope it isn't a big issue. i am continuing to hope for better friendships in this year. i can't really explain the situation clearly here because of the anonymity - so i write most of it in my journal. i personally also hope that she doesn't lose interest as well. we're not the exact same person as we were last year - where we were both younger and more, what's that word, just younger. more excited and whatnot. that' s the best i can explain. now, we already know what the system is and all. oh, i still hope she doesn't lose interest.
i was researching 'filipino-americans' in wikipedia, and what from i read, it made me smile and proud of being a Pinay. when i waas younger i didn't really say this out loud but it sort of had the message that i wanted to be an american. you know, just one of 'them' in the western culture. my mind was pretty darn-minded that time. but as more pinays are being recognized in the media, it's beginning to take on me. i'm proud of being pinay.
sighs. this is the last day of FIFA world cup. ohhhhh man. i like the world when it was just paid attention to one television screen. i like observing people when they root on for their teams. their shrieks, they're 'ooohhhh' when their favored team misses a shot,the boos, the shouts, and the 'YESSS!!!!!!!' when they score. hahaha, it just really glorious that people can leave their life issues at bay and focus their attention to soccer. even though it's all temporary, it's still a memorable moment. i mean it's something that every single person gets to take part of - no matter if they are rich or poor or this or that, it's all the same in the FIFA fever. i don't know whether it's a part of commercial scheme to grab our money, but i must say, it worked for me. it's only every four years. the next one would be..2010, and i dunno whether i would continue to write in this blog, but i sort of regret it. well, ANGELICA in four years or so, PROVE ME WRONG. im such a lovable oddball. hahaha, not.
the FIFA world cup brings me happiness *currently* that only FOB can get me. that weird.oddball sort of kind that only the few understand.
hmmmm...(un)lovable.oddball.awkward. embrace it.
approx. four more hours.
MR. EXTRA JOSSSSSSS got booed. hahahahhaah.
i seriously its the happy chemicals made from what FOB is giving me the giddiness. yup, i'm listening to them. i hope i don't want to duplicate it.oh what the hell. its my mind anyway.
alrite. got2go.toodles.
i should listen to my ipod more often. MORE OFTEN.


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