Thursday, May 22, 2008

When It's Over..

Time flies by so fast.
It's almost time to say goodbye to everyone. everything.
I can't stop talking about it in this blog. I'm scared I might even start repeating things again.
Despite all the huss and fuss, the prom is still going its way. We just need to sell enough tickets so that we can get by. Something tells me despite the nights worrying and whatnot, it'll all be okay. The prom is going to be great :) *cross my fingers and hold it tight*
Jeez, my mom can be a moodkiller sometimes. Something from the Breakfast Club had always been a part of this philosophical thing. When
I remember during one night, I forgot to put my phone on silent during the night. And the ringtone for it was AVA's 'Everything's Magic' and someone sent me a message in the middle of the night. I was listening to the song for awhile, and then it hit me. Suddenly. Lately, I've been starting to let the reality kick in. Sometimes it feels exciting, but the times where it just, keeps you silent. The only thing that I really don't like about moving from Jakarta is because of one person.
I'll always remember him. I know I'll get over him, but at the same time.
I'll keep on to that promise you told me. One day, if he becomes a billionare or whatnot, he'll take me to Paris or France or whatever. I recorded the promise :P
I really believe in fate. Serendipity. If things are supposed to be what they are, it will find a way back to each other. Man, I really want to watch that movie again. That movie was awesome =) Anything with John Cusack.
I just have to distract myself.
Man, I haven't done anything except worry, worry, and more worrying about school, him, and everything. I guess life goes on in a fastly pace and I have been doing a lot of procrastination.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Whoa, less than two more weeks till this blog is will go on no longer.
I declare him my first love <3
We'll see whether fate with bring us together or it was just a dream that made both of us experience things to broaden our minds. We found someone to confide in almost everything. We found someone who accepted who were no matter what. It's definitely something not simple to explain.
I'll always remember him. The day I said yes was a challenge from the start. I didn't want to think it was serious as first, honestly, but then I fell head over heels.
I'll miss him. The first few days will definitely be the hardest. But then that day will come. Where I'll wake up in the morning, and feel relief. That I had something so awesome. Even though it isn't something that I can see in front of me, it'll always be something that'll be close to my memories <3
We'll see each other.
Maybe this time wasn't just the right time. Maybe it'll continue later on. Maybe things will change. Maybe we'll sit down somewhere and have coffee while we talk and laugh about everything. Maybe we'll stay friends. There's soo many plentiful maybes
As much as I hope it is, the world is definitely not small. There's so much things to experience in the world and yet we think we know, but seriously, we have no idea.
I remember lying down on the bed with you, and we had that talk. That talk. That hurt so much, you know, like peeling off a band-aid. We had to prepare for it, but all I wish is that the bruising will stop soon.
I hope that Ateneo will accept me. Even though I'm not one of the usual, I am hoping they'll accept me for my differences. Let's just see what happens. In the meantime, me need some developing tough skin to do.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

London Bridge..

Maybe someday, we will have our day.. will you wait for me?
Verse to Bridges - Seem to Lose..
Crap. Time speeds by so fast, huh? So many people have
There are two current things that I'm worried about (again)
1. PROM - WTF? 3 days, and we only sold like 3 tickets? Jeez, people! Right now, the more I think about it, the more stressed I get about it. I'm fcking worried whether we'll able to get the money enough. Right now, we're only relying on donations and all that, and so far, it doesn't seem that good. OMFG. Please pray :(
2. LOVE. Long-distance? Open relationship? I absolutely have no idea, but yeah. Someday, I know I'll get over him (hopefully), but it'll be hard. He's probably my first love. Maybe I could say that we can be together in the future, probably after college, but I don't know. Let fate decide what's going to happen.
I really hate it the transition period. Like I said before, my attitude changes a lot. One moment I can't wait to experience a new life finally, but then 5 minutes later, I get into this really unbelievably depressing stage because I'm actually leaving Jakarta, you know? So I'm like, torn between two sides. :(
And I haven't been the same person like I was lately. Ever since I got together with him, I've experienced things that probably I shouldn't have been, but then again, life is short and I just want to experience YOUTH. I don't want to not do anything I would regret, you know?
My stomach is officially humongous. Time to workout.
In college, I made a promise to myself that I'm going to workout. I mean, seriously, I hate the fact that there will no longer be a gym downstairs anymore.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cruel to Be Kind..

I hate the idea of long-distance relationships.
Open relationships?
Instead of doing my homework, I'm actually 'researching' about this in the internet. It may not seem seem serious when I type about it (maybe it's the attitude change, but I dunno really)
Maybe, as much as I don't want it to happen, maybe breaking it off is the best thing to do. I don't want any heartaches anymore when I move, even though I actually expect it.
I already dried my tears and hoped for the best. Whatever happens, happens. If it was actually meant to be, let fate takes its course. I strongly believe in faith, and that our lives are already planned out right from the beginning. And if it's actually meant to be then we'll see each other in probably five years or so. If not, five years from now I could be looking at this and nostalgic thoughts would come up about my first real love.
In the meantime, stay away from all the love songs and romanticisms.
As the Beatles have said it over and over again, let it be.
And he owes me a trip to Paris =)

Friday, May 02, 2008

Keep Breathing..

I changed my keyboard.
I have my old bad habits back.
I haven't went to the gym in the longest time.
I think I'm PMS-ing.
My stomach is all bloated.
I try to do all these things in once [school, projects, student council, friends, boyfriend, family] juggling and balancing them all but sometimes it just doesn't feel the same like it was.
And I'm leaving in a couple of weeks.
A part of me wants a new life. A part of me wants to say goodbye to my home, and find myself towards a new surrounding. Treasure everything this place has given me. It made me realize how time can be really short. Sometimes you want it to speed up, but then sometimes you just want it to slow down. If we had the power to control how time works, imagine how different things would be.
Jakarta may have its FLAWs, but it'll always be my home :)
Better start moving forawrd instead of going backwards if you know what I mean :P