Sunday, April 13, 2008

Only Fooling Myself..

Sex changes everything in a relationship.
Today, it was seriously all I could think about it. I just regained consciousness back to normalness like half an hour ago, but before, I just felt so H. I mean, sometimes, I couldn't control it for some reason. Lately, I've been thinking about how/whether/when/why if me and him gone all the way. I don't know why afterwards it makes me feel so guilty. I like our relationship, we have mutual respect to one each other.
I just hope we passed the infatuation stage. After what happened last night, getting caught and all that, it worries me. It didn't worry as much as it did last time.
I remember feeling self-conscious about my body (cause I haven't worked out yet and I have some new self issues about my boobs) towards him. My stomach especially. That's why I promised myself to like, start working out.
Sex..and getting caught..changes everything. But what he told me is to have a 'I dont give a s***' attitude about the whole thing. You know, just don't let it affect me the whole way. I feel that way sometimes but then the chameleon of me tells me that my feelings and attitude will change in the next hours.
Right now I feel that we've gone pretty far. Not all the way, but definitely far. Sometimes I consider whether I should go all the way in this age (it just struck me today how much young teenage girls already started sex) or not. I don't know.
Well, I don't know. I'm having an open discussion forum inside my head. Conflicting ideas after the other.


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