Thursday, February 28, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside <3..

So finally happened =)
I'm accepting it gratefully as I add another thing on my life. I must find a balance upon all these and the worst mistake that I do is lean on one thing too much and not caring about the others, which is actually really important.
My parents are somewhat of an issue. I told them partially the truth about us. But they won't allow me going out with him alone. And that's what I've been doin these past few weeks. But I can reassure them that despite my fantasies, I fully know my limits. I don't wanna do anything that I'll regret in the future.
I should concentrate on school =D
These past few days, I realize how much I enjoy doing schoolwork. Yes, I know I fully acknowledge that I am a nerd.
I miss my bestie.


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