Thursday, May 15, 2008

London Bridge..

Maybe someday, we will have our day.. will you wait for me?
Verse to Bridges - Seem to Lose..
Crap. Time speeds by so fast, huh? So many people have
There are two current things that I'm worried about (again)
1. PROM - WTF? 3 days, and we only sold like 3 tickets? Jeez, people! Right now, the more I think about it, the more stressed I get about it. I'm fcking worried whether we'll able to get the money enough. Right now, we're only relying on donations and all that, and so far, it doesn't seem that good. OMFG. Please pray :(
2. LOVE. Long-distance? Open relationship? I absolutely have no idea, but yeah. Someday, I know I'll get over him (hopefully), but it'll be hard. He's probably my first love. Maybe I could say that we can be together in the future, probably after college, but I don't know. Let fate decide what's going to happen.
I really hate it the transition period. Like I said before, my attitude changes a lot. One moment I can't wait to experience a new life finally, but then 5 minutes later, I get into this really unbelievably depressing stage because I'm actually leaving Jakarta, you know? So I'm like, torn between two sides. :(
And I haven't been the same person like I was lately. Ever since I got together with him, I've experienced things that probably I shouldn't have been, but then again, life is short and I just want to experience YOUTH. I don't want to not do anything I would regret, you know?
My stomach is officially humongous. Time to workout.
In college, I made a promise to myself that I'm going to workout. I mean, seriously, I hate the fact that there will no longer be a gym downstairs anymore.


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