Monday, December 12, 2005

Unopened Letter To The World..

Fall Out Boy ==> You guys inspire me so much...

You guys rule my heart..

Fall Out Boyy==> You rock my world.
Pete Wentz. oh gosh, how long is this supposed crush will last? It seems *almost* forever!! It’s sort of decreasing and increasing at the same time, you know? But still, I want him soooo much!! I bet there are a million of girls (or guys as well) that probably have the same feeling as I do – wanting a rockstar in their arms and knowing that your *special* someone cares about you in a totally different way compared to his fans and friends. Ahhh, who am I to joke? I totally know that my chanes with him are probably slimmer than people running stark naked all around the world for the next 20 years (sorry, that’s the thought rushing through my weird mind right now. My mind is not THAT negative, it’s just thinking the irony of really having a chance with the Pete Wentz!). Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me – it’s like I sometimes really think I’m over him, than I don’t know, when I read anything about him, the feelings instantly rush back. Arrghh, I hate it!

I should really stick more lyrics here, huh? Hahaha, I will, when I have time. Pasting lyrics here is one of my goals that I’m trying to fulfill. Hahaha, wanna hear them? Aite..hmmm, one is to find a job. I really need a job, I swear. I am starting to feel really guilty for always asking my dad for cash. My dream job this days is working in Aksara bookstore in Chitos. Think about it, working in a BOOKSTORE! I just love it there – the atmosphere, the presence, everything! Words can’t express how much I want this job! But the thing is, I don’t know if there’s even a job opening! How stupid is that? I know it sounds stupid, but I want to earn my own money. I think I’m asking my dad for too much – and there are quite a lot of stuff that I want to get. I want a job so badly. I want more responsibility so I can prove myself how I can do this. One thing though – do bookstores around here hire 14-year olds?
Another thing that I want to do is to complain to the apartment we are currently living in. I don’t know, when I was cleaning it the other day, I just realized how the ceilings look so messed up. I don’t know – it probably has something to do with the plumbing problems or something. It’s like, creating a mess in our ceilings and believe me, it’s not a pretty sight. My mom got really pissed (that time, I didn’t really see what all the fuss was all about but now, I totally understand her) before she left in the Philippines.

By the way, I just realized that my dad and me really have to adapt living on just the two of us. We need to find a way to clean the house, especially take down the Christmas decorations, and all the things my mom previously handled. It’s going to be quite hard, I think, but I hope we’ll pull through..TOGETHER!
Alright, the other thing, is complaining why we don’t have cable here! IT’s so unfair, I swear! I really hope I could make a really convincing complaint so that’ll change their frickin minds!!! If it doesn’t turn out, oh well, at least I TRIED!
OMG..OMG..OMG.. I just found a Fall Out Boy website with awesome new pictures of them! I swear one of them has Pete without any shirts! OMG I love his body..OMG I love his’s so HOT I swear. I LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH!! OMG I just can’t stop staring it – it’s just so hot and gorgeous…and *sighs*..
I know I said this before, but he’s got everything a girl could wish for. He’s tall (nahh, I heard he’s pretty short, but that’s totally alright in my book!), dark (yep, yep, I love his tan skin color!), and handsome (NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! he’s also gorgeous, HOT, cute, beautiful…the list goes on and on)
My current dreams were circulating around me not just too long ago. A dream that was probably dreamt by some other person as well, probably and other little points were changed due to different thoughts and perspectives in our changing, diverse minds. One night, I went to Chicago. I went to see Fall Out Boy live. It’s not those mosh-pit scenes, no. It’s one of their secret shows – where there is only a few people who’ve managed to find them. It’s in a small club, in my case, an all-ages one. Either that or somehow I’m a couple years older. Anyways, it’s only me, but probably there’s a friend but it’s somehow not the focus in this dream. She’s just the ‘background’ you know? Anyways, the music they play is not those fast, pop-punk music but it’s the songs where the lyrics (which Pete wrote) totally catches your attention. In this dream though, it catches my heart.
I’m just sitting there, probably drinking a non-alcoholic drink. I’m totally relieved that it’s just a few people out here. They seem to be imprisoned by the relaxed, emotional atmospheric of the stripped Fall Out Boy. I myself have been totally restrained by their expressive music. Yet, at the same time, I still can’t believe myself that I am about 3.5 meters away from Pete Wentz. I try my hardest to pay attention to the music, but his presence just takes my breath away.
After playing a few songs, they decide to play ‘I’ve Got A Bad Idea In A Dark Alley That Says You Should Just Shut Your Mouth’ for the first time in a public appearance. I personally know this song is about Pete and how he had expressed his innermost emotions during making FUCT, the pressures, the fears, everything. It terrifically describes where he couldn’t take the black menacing waves of his own depression and decides to take a handful of Ataven pills, a form of medication where it was thought to *cure* the depression. He pops the CD of his previous FOB album and decides to call his family and friends. When he called his manager, who was worried about his slurred speech and voice, had decided to call his mother. Eventually, she found him slumped back on his carseat.
His thoughts overflowing Patrick’s voice had already been captured into the minds of the audience. As I see the audience, their faces are utterly absorbed by the words of his confession. Some were even mouthing the words as Patrick sings. I steal a quick glance at Pete, and I see him smiling at the audience. How the bond between the band and the audience is getting stronger and stronger by the second. But as I see him smile, I could sense how he hides an emotion. A feeling that words cannot put across it…


infinite x's and o's.



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