Monday, January 09, 2006

Be Somebody..

i'm here without you baby
I'm here without you baby..but you're still on my lonely mind..and I dream about you all the tyme..such beautiful words..
2006 is a year that I must find love. And more friends. And better contentment. Like other people in this world, I want to be a better person without pushing too much pressure into myself. I'm not going to try to be a different person other than myself.
Yeah, I still want more friends..and to find love. In my astro-forecast (alright, stop the sniggering) for Leos in 2006, it says that I'm going to concentrate more in the *love* area.
I think my blog is getting sort of boring. I need to put some HTML inside. But I have no idea how. *sighs* i wish i was a HTML expert. And so is my friendster profile. It's pathetic. here's the link,
  • Learn HTML and make a BETTER and more INTERESTING blog and Friendster profile as well!
  • Finish all my Mix CDs..and sort them all
  • Find my debit card book..and deposit money
  • Write at least two lyrics on my lyric book each week
  • Get friggin better gifts (birthday and x-mas) for my family!!!
  • No more cramming (ha!) least tone it down >>> not really a goal..more lyke a resolution
  • No more impulse buying. >>>> not really a goal..more lyke a resolution
  • can't think of anymore right now.


  • write and submit an article for >>> this may take a long tyme
  • if there's a job oppurtunity, TAKE IT! btw, i want 2 find a jobb...
  • find the courage to ask for singing and guitar lessons...especially guitar!
  • read at least 30 friggin books/novels this year (class novels included) wait..let me do the math..256 days a year...that's around one book every nine weeks..hmmph! can i say 'easy??'
  • hard and aLL?
  • make at least 5 friends..and keep close contact with them this yearr..
  • be a friggin better writer in my blogs..

yeahh..I think that's it. Alright, the vacation.

It was pretty good compared to the one in June, where my grandfather had moved on. But the bad thing here was my mom's diagnosis with breast cancer. But overall, she felt alright. I could see the strength inside her but then there are times where there is a mixture of strength and sadness and fear. But I think at the end, strength conquers all. I'll always pray for her.

Even though she's doing really well (she just got her first chemotherapy treatment), you never know that it might come back. You just never know. THank goodness the lymph nodes are all negative. I'm always going to pray for her. I miss her and my sister so much. There are times where I want them to come back (funny, cause when they were still here, there are times where I always wanted to be with myself), but then, I think 'I gotta be strong' and my independency comes all over me. Yesterday, I spent my day cleaning the apartment, i got so disgusted at times. Seriously, you never know how dirty your bathroom can get! But then, I want to take off the christmas tree. I want my dad to do it as well, but you know, men. They don't mind much concerning cleaning and all. I think I knew what my mom felt.

There are tons of clothes waiting to be ironed. I heard a part-time maid was supposed to come today to help iron the clothes but she had to come almost a couple of hours ago but she ain't here yet.

Hmmm...what else? I remember alot of watching tv in the first few dayys. It pretty much sucks that the cable in the room that we were staying at didn't work anymore. So we had to watch TV at the living room. There were times where I desperately wanted to watch TRL (for FOB!) but then it so happens that it was the same time where my lola wanted to watch this weird game show. I remember watching back-to-back episodes of 'Survivor All-Star'. Can I say GUILTY PLEASURE??????????

The other time I remember was watching these boyband videos *shudders* lyke 98 Degrees *coughs*, A1 *gags*, and worst of all, N'sync *bleehhhh*. Can't believe we all started liking crap like that back then. Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..

pete wentz >>>> hot...



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