Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Switchblades & Infidelity...

heyyy ho..what's the dealio?
ahh, nothing much is happening. It's around 10:15ish here. I'm chatting with one of my friends while writing this blog, while checking Friendster (by the way, whoever in chances might be reading my blog, please be my friend there, if you have a profile there as well! i'm trying to reserve/personalize a URL so you can check it out) while downloading a Panic! At the Disco song while! reading the latest edition of Spin Magazine with Fall Out Boy in the cover!! Sorry if I'm being so detailed, I'm just trying to make a longer blog, i guess..heheeheh x)
Oh yea, while writing this blog and doing all those, I'm listening to my ipod..the song 'My Heart Is The Worst Kind Of Weapon' is an awesome song, I swear. I love that song to death. I love Fall Out Boy to death. I love Pete Wentz to death. Yesterday, I saw a few chaps talking in an online board how he got Punk'd! Dude, I seriously swear, I really want to see that episode!!!! Argghh! It sucks like hell that episodes and movies and all that come really damn late here in Indo!! ARGGGHH!
Right? What else? Oh yea, I haven't been able to finish that story of mine about him before. I'll try to finish it later if I have time. Anyways, because of a fudgin story I read in the same online board and looking at pictures of the past (I look so damn different, I sort of hated the way i looked before!) I came to one of my usual daydreams and let my imagination running that.. man, you know what? I'll just let it be in my mind forever more. It's sort of embaressing, trust me, I let my daydream and imaginations run over me, and it's really...something that I should keep to myself. It's damn embaressing!
Words can't express how much I want to go to Chicago. There are loads of awesome musicians and actors that come from there. Yup, I think Fall Out Boy comes from there as well. xP Seriously, I really want to go there as hell! Arrggh!
By the way, my friendster URL is
ineed to start cleaning the apartment before we leave for Philippines tommorow. I'm so lazy, I swear. I want to watch movies and all that for the rest of the day. I want to go to Philo, but I want to stay here in Indo in my house for awhile, you know? I'll confess I might be a little homesick!! I'm not xactly an admirer of our house in Philo. It's OLD! It's just...really old. Too old, you know? I wish we could live in a better house in the future, if only my dad can get a better job in the future. If only, If only...
Arrgh, just thinking of that house makes me sort of...arrgggh. The only good thing about that house is that it has cable! Wohoo! xP
I'm going to go to this awesome internet cafe nearby the house in Philo, I'll start blogging in a second. I miss that internet cafe! I miss the malls! I there! I miss Tagaytay! I miss...a lot of things, I guess! i come!!! I'm so excited that i'm going to KL after we go to Philo! Wohooo! EVen more shopping! Mostly, I think i'm going to shop for CDs, clothes, and what else? books, i guess.. I'm sort of confused how many ringgits are equilavent to dollars. By the way, I still need to find The Sound of Musique VCD or DVD for my dad! I know how much he loves that movie!!

One of the things that I really want to do when I get back is to get bangs in my hair. The bangs I used to have is so damn dull right now, it just sits there, dully, on the right side of my har. It's so damn dull, the frustration is building up on it because it's still there.
infinite x's and o's, ==> whoever's reading this!!
angelica loves pete.angelica loves pete.


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