Saturday, January 28, 2006

Glory Fades...

Another blog entry after I just made one yesterday. I know, I have loads of free time.
Last Friday was a crack riot. It was one of the funniest days of school. Alright, what happened? Oh yeah, I know this was sort of mean, but it was sort of hilarious. During study hall, we were thinking up of nicknames for all of us. For the girls, it was either Tante something-something. Tante, in Indo, is like Mrs, you know what I mean? It was pretty cool, mine was Tante Philo. Anyways, a guy made up a name for this really feminine guy who all the others call ‘Fruitbasket’ or ‘Sunshine’. It’s hilarious, but he’s actually really nice. He sat next to me while my best friend was off sick for the week. The nickname was Tante Sunshine. Hahahahaa. When I put it down in words, it doesn’t seem really funny. Anyways, he got sort of offended and called the guy who made up the name, Tante Blacky. HAHAHAHAHAHHHHA. Which reminds me, I remember when we were just fooling around one day before school started, and then Fruitbasket started calling him, ‘Blacky!’ It was damn hilarious, me and my friends nearly pissed ourselves from laughing so hard. We tried so hard not to laugh because he’ll get really pissed and start teasing us. He did get pissed to Fruitbasket, saying, “Stop being so f***** racist!” *Which really made me laugh even harder* and then tried to throw an eraser at him, but he ended hitting me on the leg. I didn’t mind, I thought it was even more hilarious! And then he really threw one at him, and Fruitbasket started getting even pissed and you should have seen his face trying to hit him. It was so funny!! That reminds me, during science, we were talking about how it was getting so hot during the summer in Australia, and Fruitbasket whispered to me, “No wonder Blacky is so black.” Hahahah, that was funny. And then another time, he started teasing him a lot, and then Fruitbasket started cursing him in bahasa indo, saying something like, ‘dasar orang gosong!’ (stupid burnt person!) HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. I’m sorry if I’m hurting anyone. If you noticed, I haven’t put there real names here.

What else? Oh yea, he used to call me ‘seal’ because he thought I laughed like a seal back in grade 8. He stopped teasing me and started teasing my best friend, calling her a humpback whale. It was pretty funny, but I know it’s pretty annoying how he teases people. Really annoying. The irony is, I cried once when he started teasing me. Don’t ask me ever how or why, but I was in a bad mood that time.
Anyways, what else happened? Hmm, during lunch, me and a friend started laughing so hard about this guy we both used to like so much back in grade eight. I guess we laughed so hard why we liked this guy, I mean, arggh, the history with him was so messed back in grade 8. We sort of fought over him. Hhahaaha, now we can’t believe why we liked him in the first place. He’s not bad looking at all whatsoever, it’s sort of hard to explain. I really can’t believe why I liked him so much before. The nickname he got during study hall was ‘Bugil Kesasaran’. Bugil is short for Bule Gila (crazy foreigner). Hahahahaa, it’s really like him though! It’s (Lost Crazy Foreigner). It’s really mean, in some way though. I don’t know, we laughed so hard about that, we were observing him quietly, while he talked to a bottle and all that, hahahahahaha. During the last period of school, we started laughing our heads off about BB (I don’t want to tell you what it stands for, it’s pretty mean) and we started teasing him how hot and handsome he is (which, is sort of the opposite in terms of reality) and one of my friends wrote his name in a desk, and another guy noticed. It was really embaressing.
That day was pretty good.
After school, a couple of us went to Cheetos and just hung out. We tried on clothes, did photobox, ate, and all that.
*it’s such a shame that I’m not one of those people who can have loads of close friends. But in some way, I’m pretty happy in what I have and got now. I seriously hope it doesn’t change.**
Listening to musique at the moment, while downloading some as well. Pretty awesome. Tuesday’s a HOLIDAYY! WohooO! I don’t know whether I’m going to the mall again tomorrow…
*spinning around the sun, making my way***
*btw, I really should start exercising, my stomach is starting to bulge out x(
life could be a dream…if I could only have you-know-who x(
so long.fareweLL.

ps. Have you ever felt when you’re such in an okay mood, you think, how long will this last until I encounter a bad bad situation??? I hate that feeling. I love this feeling. Wish I could have it >>> you know that feeling where you can overtop any crisis and all that, like, it’s hard to explain, like, having a huge project and you’re on the way to finishing, and you still have time to relax and all that jazz. No need for rushing around, you’ve got it all covered (well, most of it anyways). I love that feeling.


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