Tuesday, January 24, 2006

With A Subtle Look..

· Making mix cds is officially a favorite of mine. Whether I’m making one for myself (yeahhh) or for friends of mine, I love doing it. It’s such an awesome thing to do – expressing your emotions to emotionally-challenged people. You know what I mean, those people-who-can-detect-your-feelings-through-songs. It’s such a shame that there’s almost no one who can give me a mix cd back.
· *swoons* Pete’s words…nuff’ said. i heart him still.
· I want to go to Chicago. So badly that it hurts. Well, maybe I’m overreacting but who doesn’t?
· Hmmm.. school’s pretty boring at the moment. My bestie’s sick from probably what happened last week and here I am talking about it in my blog. And today, me and a couple of friends made fun of her poses in photos. No offense, but they are pretty weird. Not in a awkardish way, no, but like sort of…hmmm, ‘come-get-some’ look. I don’t know why, but I feel quite guilty after that.
· Today’s been a weird day, but it isn’t weird enough to stand apart from all the bad days I had previously. Apparently one of the classmates in our class has some sort of access with one of the teachers in the class who does some sort of computer finance or something. He spilled that *Rachelle didn’t go to school because her parents couldn’t pay the tuition fees for 3 months or something. OMG, when he said that, I was like, ‘please he doesn’t spill my name out,’ or ‘oh gosh, I hope he doesn’t know about me’.
I really need to get my report card soon.

· I’ve heard so many songs this past few weeks that I can’t remember any of them. I’m starting to listen to the radio (there’s a radio station here that plays lots of good alternative rock songs, which is pretty sweet) a few weeks ago, and I bought more CDs. I already finished downloading a few Mix CDs songs. Champagne for Limewire, Real Pain for stupid internet connection.
· Just had a friggin hard science test today. It was weird – he gave us questions that we haven’t learned about yet! Arghh, weird .
· I borrowed ‘Catcher in the Rye’ and ‘Lord of the Flies’ in the library today. Haven’t read it all yet, but I’m starting on CITR and it’s pretty interesting. Hope I can finish these books so I can finally describe myself as ‘an indie-rock/bookworm intellectual. I like the sound of that. J
· Do you have that feeling where you’re not satisfied with what you get? It’s like, you always want more. When you got this song, you want another song. And then after that, you spot a new song that everybody is talking about, and then you want that song. Same goes with people, ya know? And shirts, and bags, and all that jazz..
· I hate smudged eyeliner underneath your eyes. It’s the ugliest look I ever seen, I swear.
· Hope Friday will be alright. Hope it can be FUN at the most! Cheers! Here’s to supposed shisha and all that jazz..
· I really need to start taking lots and lots of pictures. I love taking pictures in unforgettable moments. Yeah, I’m a picture whore. Like Pete Wentz *swoons*. He looks good in any photo. *drools*
· What else? Oh yea, fried chicken + doughnuts = nauseous. Never ever eat one of them after the other <<<<>
Let the sun wash away the problems from the past.


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