Sunday, January 22, 2006

Start Today..

I'm currently at an internet cafe here right now. It's pretty alrite, I guess. I'm here because my dad supposed to meet his collegues or something. Hahaha, I don't want to join them so I just went here in this internet cafe. And guess who's in here as well. A couple of guys from school. Whatever. I don't think I'm that interested in hanging out with them. Ahh, I don't know. Their too busy playing video games Whatevers.
Anyways, lots of things happened. Their not in my mind right now. I'll just do the whole dotpoint issue again as it slowly devours my mind.

  • Hung out with my bestie last night at PIM. It was pretty quiet. The day before that, she told me the biggest news. She got sexually harassed. I think it's pretty weird saying that in such a public place. But yeah, she did. And I don't know why, her body is full with fevers. She was really bad state when she called me and as well when I met her. I worry for her. I'm not going to tell how it happened, but it did happen. It's pretty weird, though. I never thought a friend of mine would actually get to experience something like that. I always thought it was something that teens in magazines only, you know what I mean? But I'm trying my best to help her, and I told her to tell a trusted teacher in school tommorow, so, let's hope for the best alrite? During the talk we had before she was all like, 'you're the only person I can talk to about everything' and all that stuff similiar to that. It's pretty brightening, but I feel sort of sad. The fact that there's a huge chance I might move in a couple of months is just so sad for me to leave my bestest friend in the world. I don't know what I'm going to do without her. Ditto to her as well.
  • Ummmm...what else?? Sometimes I'm alright with my social position at school, sometimes I'm not (Btw, i'm dying to go to the toilet right now). But at the end, I thnk that moving school is probably the best way. Start a new life. Make my parents happy. Become into a mature, independent young woman. Hahahahaha. THe problem is, where am I gonna find a guy? Am I going to fit in? A part of my mind says, 'don't worry, you'll answer those questions there'. But who knows, you know?
  • Watched Cheaper by the Dozen 2. It's pretty kewl, family-oriented and all. Some parts, I gotta say, was pretty cheesy, but overall, it's alrite. The story with the tomboy whose starting to have her first crush was pretty cute by the way. Anyways, it was only me and Fanny who watched it . It was her sis' bday party and she invited all her girl friends. Dude, I remember seeing these guys there age (there lyke around 5th or 6th grade) checking them out. It was so cute.


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