Thursday, January 12, 2006


i know i'm unlovable..u don't have to tell me..
it's an awesome that's grown on me from The Smiths 'Unlovable'. it's totally a song i can relate to right now. i think i'm unlovable to new people. my first impression in my opinion may usually ward people off. but man, i don't want that. i want more friends! man, the more i keep saying that, i bet you think i'm just this loser or whatever.
it's funny, a year from now, i would love to spend my holidays alone...watching movies, going to the internet, anything to do at home, but now...i still do those stuff whcih is pretty enjoyable but i really want to have time in my schedule where it's lyke..'tommorow i'm hanging out with this person and the day after that i have dinner with these guys'...arggh! i really want that.
i really think being in cibun is really one of the reasons why i'm not that close to anyone outside school, with the exception of dani and nicole (i think). it's not that cibun has a bad reputation (or does it?), but it's sort of isolated *am i seriously deluded, or it's just me*. if there's any peepz that have loads and loads of friends outside school, i'm nearly 100% that that person went to another school before their parents shoved them into our *beloved* cibun.
i seriously want to move school. don't know where.
**pardon me for having this feeling, but i fink i'm seriously moving to philo. i seriously fink i am. for the better. but i'm seriously gonna miss my parents. really do. am going to miss my 'inside' jokes from my dad, and my mom's sort of constant naggin *don't worry mumz..still definitely absolutely love u!* but most of all.their presence. its gonna be definitely hard being there without them.... x( x(
but at least my studies will definitely start going. and prolly my social life (well, there's a probable 50/50 chance.) look at my sis..she doesn't really kno tagalog but she's lyke definitely one of the popularest girls there.
but when i think of it...some random thoughts come to mind..*if i go over to a friend's house..who's gonna pick me up? or worse, drop me off??***if there's a parent/teacher meetings..i guess my parents wouldn't fly to philo jst for that, huh???
*woe is me**
*i'm not happy here in jakarta...*~
my description of me..only better *okayy, that sounded so totally self-righteous**
it's lyke..because my so-called social life is not existent, i'm just going to waste my tyme talking about me, Me, ME! *Sobs* it goess..
hmmmm...i wear glasses (not permanent, but just times where it looks pretty sweet...lyke when i'm writing or drawing..or doing something least i have to have my *artistic* feeling. and it's not the type of glasses i currently wear..but lyke patrick stump glasses..only know..not the ones that look thin and fragile..but the ones that are black or dark dark brown and looks pretty sweet...awww, i love those glasses!!!
and my hair..looks pretty much the same, except it has more showable bangs and not the bangs that it's the common trend here in indo..not swidesweptt..*i'm finally am going to get my hair cut (or jst get bangs) at saturdayy...
hmmm...i wear braces (yesh, you can't get straight teeth jst lyke DAT! aaahhh...screw it. i want straight teeth!!!!!) and i wear black eyeliner more often..and i still wear my best friend necklace...and i wear black nailpolish...oohh! and i have my third piercings on my earr..all with awesomme as usual with dangly earrings!! and...i wear anything vintage and jst has to set me apart from my friends.. friends..i have tons of them...from tyme 2 tyme they usually call me..we chat and all..and my pulsa is usually full with all the smsing we do....and we hangout every FRIDAY! we go 2 chitos...PIM..plaza senayann...awesumm kemang resteraunts and all..and jst talk and laugh...and from tyme 2 tyme i go clubbing (safe clubbing...not those with loads of peopple getting drunk and passing out, safe clubbing sounds sort of lame!!!!) and jst dance the night awayy..we dont smoke (well, its okayy if some of my friends do..but i wont) and jst have funnn...
and i know its stupid to sayy bt..yessh, you know it. i gotta a bf in 'me...only better'. and he's lyke the rocker-ish type..i dont have any details on the face *but im secretly hoping he looks similiar to pete wentz!!* and he's in a band..dunt care whether he's the singer, bassist, guitarist or drummer, but he's in an awesommmee band...and lyke..he does all those "gooshy" boyfriend things for me...but still not hoplessly romantic...i lyke a guy who can spend tyme with me yet still have enough tyme to socialize with his friends. he smses me, calls me, gives me mix cds (which totally is the best present u can ever give/get) and the dates we's lyke we have those movie dates..but then we go play billiards or bowling in probably a group date...and eating dinner in some place lyke cheetos..and then from tyme 2 tyme we have those formal resteraunt dates...and..what else? yeahhh..
i have DSL..heheheeh and my ipod nano is wayyyy cleaner than what is now..or jst with an awesome ipod cover..
and..what else?? i wear black converse shoess...any converse shoes will do..heheheeh
i dnt wanna be rich RICH..but just have enough enough and totally financially secure. enough money for college.enough money for education. basically enough money for a good future. and we may have enough for sometimes splurges in marks and spencers and polos for my dad..and my mom..her favorite makeup brand..sheisido (or something lyke dat..i think i got da spelling wrong..)..and my sis..anytin she wants..hehehehee...and for me?? hmmm..jst awesome one-of-a-kind jacket preferablly leather..and jst anytin vintage..ooh! and CDs..the really good ones lyke modest mouse or any good indie musique i'll buy in aksara..original! bt the ones that i jst wanna check it out..i still wont mind buyin it in ITC..along with dvds..especially tv shows lyke joey and scrubs and all.. would be pretty sweet having a credit card...swoooonnnssss
awwwwwhh...what a life..
*!remember..less is better...*!*!*
***i shouldnt think that stuff lyke dat will definitely make me happier. i fink in some way it sort of opposes my belief of being a Catholic. it's sort of hard to explainn..**
*ohh culd jst keep on dreamin, can u?? i realize that the only wayy i could have more friends is be friendly and all..but how you know?? i fink i criticize too much on myself lyke when i say something, i'll think to myself 'should i really say that??'' 'oh no! i think she think i'm boringg!!'..and then it all comes to one awkward silence...
i shouldnt do that. help me!
i'm getting a handphone camera (hopefully!) soon...i'm definitely gonna spice up my blog with pics..not only with my friends...but journal and artwork and all that...and i'm going to try and do html friendster is so much simpler..with css editor..i dunno bout here..i'll explore it soon...and what else??
oh yeah, so many mix many tyme..too much tyme.
i wanna be a cd reviewer or a book reviewer..aaahhhh that'll be awesome!
***~i could care less*
or would i?
dont mind my weirdmind.
awesome words from the awesome pete wentz. >>>>> not as obsessed with him as before anymore. congratulate me.
**words are like poor substitute for my moods and emotions xxxxx >>>>>> definitely true.
** the world has a funny way of playing tricks on us..straight up!!
why cant i write words lyke him???

weird but not weird in some way.


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