Friday, February 24, 2006

I Write Sins Not Tragedies...

I just had a weird day. I’m now at my best friend’s house – my dad just left this afternoon to Philippines to visit my mother. I could remember just laying at bed last night, just thinking that I would have the apartment to myself for a whole dang week. It’s weird – at first, it was going to be exciting and a piece of cake, but then, I would really miss my dad being there. It’s hard enough for my sister and then my mother not being there – but I just can’t help feeling ‘left out’ once again. I remember questioning whether something was going to happen during the trip and I’ll be left totally alone. It’s a dang weird feeling, I’ll tell you that.
Anyways, I feel really comfortable telling you one of my blog entries at my best friend’s house. I already feel that her home is like my second home. I’m so glad that I can have someone who I can tell totally everything about and not worry about it being spread to other people. A number of people can’t find true friendships like that and I’m definitely cherished to be one of the lucky ones.
It’s a weird day, I must repeat. One of my classmates, whose name I would not mention here, just had a major collateral damage. She’s been caught telling lies and all that towards someone else. Let me tell you, this wasn’t the first time that it happened. It sort of happened to me, but it happened to my best friend a number of times. I don’ t know, she seems to may have a grudge against her or something. But I think I know why she tells all these lies about us. I don’t necessarily think she’s jealous, but that’s an easy term for it. It’s because she’s insincere of herself. She’s not comfortable with what she has and all. She compares herself greatly to the people surrounding her, and when that person has a better thing or whatever, she tries to sort of ruin it. Nah, that’s not what I mean. It’s like, there are some people in the room where either the green or red light appears when she’s with them. If a green light appears on them, she’ll totally be friendly with them. But if a red light appears on them, she’ll try and stab you on the back or something. I don’t know, it’s a very complicated situation. She’s a very complicated character to sort of distinguish. I really think that she has some sort of illness or disorder that can’t really be cured.
Anyways, my interest in this had run out of lock.
I just heard that someone changed. Definitely shock alert.


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