Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I want you to want me
I want you to need me..
I have a feeling that this song would soon be my ‘soundtrack’ of my life. Speaking of ‘soundtrack’ I just had a feeling of making a real ‘soundtrack’ of my life. Aww, this is gonna be fun! Anyways.. tons of stuff happened this weekend, which got me thinking, I should really start studying again! Oh great, I have a SOSE presentation tomorrow, and we’re going first! This sucks.
Anyways, hmmm.. at Saturday, I went to Chitos with my bestie. It was pretty fun – but then, I think we both sort of got the feeling that we’re slightly getting bored of each other in a way. It’s weird, there were some parts where it was just an awkward silence. We watched a movie – Big Momma’s House 2. It’s alright, I guess. It’s definitely one of those intriguing movies – so it’s really a TYPICAL blockbuster flick. I really don’t like stereotypical movies like that, it’s a pain in your neck – and you’re wallet as well. I still owe money for her for buying my ticket *I had enough money that time but than we bought it in the same time it’s sort of complicated* and yeah, money finishes off real quickly these days. I realize that Rp.100,000 is just enough for food and movies – that’s all. It’s NOT for shopping. If you want to go shopping, you seriously need more money than that. Whenever I’m with her, I keep eating a lot, which pretty sucks and awesome at the same time. And now, she’s really frickin obsessed with her weight – it’s getting really annoying, I swear. She’s wasn’t like this before, and from times, besides the annoyance, I feel sort of worried she might get an eating disorder or something – but right now, it’s still pretty much annoying. Anyways, yes, you definitely need more than Rp.100,000 when you want to shop with your friends. But if that’s the amount you just want to have fun with your mates, I guess it’s enough. The movie ticket is usually Rp.35,000 or Rp.50,000 in some theatres, and that’s not including popcorn and drink and all. But these past few visits at the mall, I haven’t ordered popcorn that much. Anyways, so that leaves around Rp.50-75,000 for food and entertainment and all. Hmm, dinner’s around like Rp.20-30,000 if you’re eating at the food court (a definite wise choice for your wallet, compared to the restaurants here) and if you’re eating at a resteraunt, it’s like a couple ten thousands more than that. So yeah, basically, if you choose the cheaper options here, you would be left with Rp.45,000. Hmm, that’s not too bad ain’t it? But arggh, there’s two malls that we usually hangout in. The first place the movie ticket is way more expensive but the food court is definitely one of the cheaper fast food eats and all. So, that’s like around Rp 50,000 + 25,000 (highest you can go, I think) = 75,000. Rp.25,000 spending money left >>>> usually, I may order a small snack or ice-cream, so that’s half of what’s left. What are fricking going to do with Rp.12,000? Okay, but what about the second mall? The movie ticket is 35,000 but there are all resteraunts where you can eat. That’s like around 30-35,000. So…30,000 left, huh? Yeah but still, whenever you’re hanging out with your friends, you see this really cute top and all or a music CD or a book even but you always don’t have the money to buy it. It pretty much sucks.
Clothes are the most expensive thing you buy there. The ones that I really like to buy and it’s definitely my style is this shop that sells shirts for less than 100,000 – which is a cheaper option than the branded ones. But what I really want is just one outfit from branded labels – that’s all. You know, a top (by the way, I would really like those vintage soft tops with lace and all) from wherever, and what else? I’m thinking of all these thing that I want from a designer label but then I have cheaper solutions (like, getting this jacket that it’s style that’s really awesome, but then you can get them in a cheaper place, what else? Shoes? I pretty much decided to invest in Converse pair that could really fit in most outfits – especially with jeans or skirt. Step-ins? My mom has a LOT! All I really want are these ballet-style slippers. I don’t know where I could find good ones. I should start searching. Hmm, what else? Bags? I really like a bag that I found in Chitos, but I’m sort of considering buying it, but I really want it for the Valentines Dance. The more I think about it buying all this, I think to myself – why do I really want it for? To impress myself or others? Sometimes I answer because it ‘fulfills my style’. But I’m always trying to find solutions where it fulfill my ‘style’ and my budget as well.
Label designer top >>>> 200,000 (my absolute budget)
Ballet type shoes >>>>> 250,000 (my absolute budget)
Converse shoes >>>> 200,000 (my absolute budget) can be purchased with my dad J
Denim skirt >>>> Rp. 100,000 (I think I could get it for a cheaper price in matahari.. I’m not definite though)

Anyways, I think I’m done talking about shopping needs or whatever. It’s what I already have that counts, you know? I should definitely be more thrifty and all.
Oh yeah, where was I up to? I remember watching the movie in the theatre and during the last minutes, I was really worried that my dad wasn’t picking me up yet because I had to go to the party she invited me in. It’s pretty awesome – but then I felt really bad for leaving my bestie in the movie theatre. I don’t know if she wasn’t pissed or she was, but it was hard to tell. I hopefully she’s alright. Anyways, I got there in time, thank goodness. It was a great way to meet new people, but then I got a feeling that people stuck to there own crowds. It’s pretty disappointing, there were a few people that I wanted to introduce myself and all. It sucks, but I really wished I could be able to talk to this girl who was a good striker during the soccer tournament. I guess I always count on others to do the first move or something. But other than that, it was pretty amazing. I had my first come across a Christian rock band. Yeah, it was those parties where it was like, Christian. If I could describe Christian in one word, I think I would describe it as safe. I don’t know why, but I feel safe whenever I have to go to meetings like that and all. It’s weird, you know? But I still think I like it. It’s pretty fun, but I wish I was better at making friends and all. Anyways, what else? Yeah, there was this live performance of a Christian rock band – St. Loco. It’s an awesome. I just kept looking around, observing how people ‘rocked’ with their musique and all, and it’s just different compared to the rock bands. It’s a cool experience though! They were people pushing other people around, I found it quite hilarious sometimes. My friend’s sister and her friend were quite obsessed with getting the band member’s handphone numbers. It was pretty cool that they actually did! And what else, yeah? We got to talk to one of the band members. It was pretty awesome!!!
Anyways, I’ll talk more about that the next time.. I promise.

I’m backkk!
Anyways, I want to talk about what happened during the youth meeting. Overall, it was actually pretty fun! I wish I could go this week, because they were going to talk about ‘Da Vinci Code’ which sparked several rumors about Jesus Christ and all – it’s going to be a very interesting subject. Anyways, I’m taking it slow. I have a weird feeling that I might be doing a sin – because I’m actually Catholic, but it’s almost really similar. I really don’t know – but overall, deep down in my heart, I think He doesn’t mind J
I’m beginning to show interest towards music I really didn’t think I would have. Genre of music such as Christian rock bands, which I heard a few during the youth meeting and during the concert (it totally rocked, I swear). I want to learn more about Christian rock bands, they’re totally awesome! But still have the issue I mentioned earlier – the two religions thing and all. Anyhoo, yeah… I also am starting to have a thing for local bands, I want to buy a few CDS, such as Superman is Dead (I read an article about a critically acclaimed director who made a docu about them, it’s like they’re a high political band or something.. interesting!) and something else, I don’t know. I never really thought of listening to other bands, but I dunno, I guess I’m starting to change my mind.
Things with my bestie has been weird again – I think she’s bored of me or something. we haven’t really talked this day as much as we used to. I think she’s starting to get bored of me or something. I dunno. But I’m guessing it’s a phase or something, I hope it won’t go to the wrong turn again.

Hmm, what else? I’m dreading for more friends. I want more companionship. I want a social life. I want people who I feel comfortable calling and talking and all.. I want it all that it hurts. i still want to maintain strong friendships with the people I’m sort of acquainted with >>> time will only tell, it’ll help you to progress or if its not mean to be, then it’ll not.
I wear a halo…whenever you’re looking at me J
I love that song from Bethany Joy Lenz >>>> I want more One Tree Hill! OTH!!! She has an awesome singing voice.
Friends. Something that I should have treasured ages ago. Right now seems such a good time >>> I’m single and I’m not liking anybody at the moment. Seriously not liking anybody. I want them. I need them.
What else? I’m still totally infatuated by pete’s words. And pete himself. Seriously, I thank God that he showed me a way towards a great and awesome person as himself. It blows that FOB didn’t win the ‘best new artist’ grammy this year, and when you read his journal, you could tell he was sort of gloomy and disappointed, but then he states he goes over to the fan q&a and he totally becomes happy again. Man, when I say it, it doesn’t seem that special, but when you actually read it, I don’t know about you, but it blows me away. I hope they’ll win next year. I really do hope so. J they truly deserve it J
>>>> Is there any chance that I could get to meet them? I want to see them doing the thing that makes my heart graciously beat. It makes me feel ‘alive’. It definitely makes me smile inside and out. it’s just a surrounding presence of them. It’s one of my ‘rushmores’ in my life. FOB. Please rock on. go over the leaps and bounds and cherish it. experience the down lows but still keep them running through your veins. The world is a great place, and a not so great place at the same time, you know? I just want to be there whenever you achieve >>> just like any true FOB would want to. Sometimes I think it’s such an unimaginable thought of thinking such an extraordinary thing. I know there are plenty of us that’s thinking the exact same thing as me, but let me speak out my mind. Words are just 5.5 % that can express what you guys mean to me. it’s part of a vicious cycle that we all are trapped in. why is it vicious? I think you guys can answer that in your hearts.
God bless. x)


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