Saturday, October 21, 2006

cause i'm fine my its time its not too change directions..
there's something within and its telling me im playing it too cool..
i never had an apple that tasted so so sweet..
today im free.. free to fly..
you don't like me. you don't see me anymore. arggh. i'm taking it easy. i'm not saying it's hard at all. it is pretty hard. to think of what could have been something. oh well. i just hope that no one will see how hurt i am. let alone that i thought there could have been sooo much potential. arggh. oh well. better off. there will be better days.
remember: it's not a competition.
whenever God closes a window, He'll open a door X)
hahha. i'll get over this. i know i will. but in the meantime..
but right now, let's stay away from
* love, mushy love songs. being strong and independent are definitely in. plus, its when they find you attractive. believe me, relying on someone too much can have its dire consequences. remembering your mistakes can make you a better, stronger person.
* cried out freedom. rise out from me. love is paranoid.
* hmm, what else? a little less thinking, a little more distraction. hahahaa!
* wish them the best. give them a more positive attitude. wait for the scar to heal.
self-reminder: give everyone the illusion of being positive. while you realy heal inside.
shattered illusions. someday i will write a song about that.
ooh, in the meantime i'll be dancing with myself.
i wanna be around people like me. haha sad but true.
let the holidays begin.
endless days of watching TV. haahaha.
make damn sure. make damn sure. make damn sure.
you are everything i want. you are everything i'm not.
i just want to break you down so badly.
thoughts. thoughts. thoughts.
being e


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