Thursday, October 19, 2006

Red Flag..

cast off the crutch and kills the pain! the red flag never sumtin sumtin..
Current Song Soundtrack : Billy Talent 'Red Flag' - awesome awesome song. hehehe, even though I don't know half of what the lyrics are.
Anyways, I want to be THROUGH with him. Find myself a better guy. Better then just waiting, waiting, here. Oh well, there will be others. But first, I want him to get a little taste of what he's going to miss. There's a party tommorow and I'm going to wear a skirt in front of him for the FIRST time. Hahaha, I just hope the chocolates I ate today doesn't show. Argggh, but it tasted soo damn good. Arggh, I'm seriously putting on weight now. I haven't exercised at all! Arggh! Stupid chocolates that tasted so good! Hahaha, oh well. Yeah anyways, I hope it works. I'll tell you what happens later, I guess.
Boys are not everything. Arggh, what made me so stupid to like think about them all the time? ARGHH.
Okay, don't think about HIM a.k.a OOOOO anymore...ARGHH!!! Better think of better schoolwork. Oh darn, I have another SOSE project due tommorow. I like the pressure it gives me but it feels that I'm not happy with the way I handle it. Better hope that the week would help unwind and relax, and think things over, you know?
So this what we're up against..
tra la la. I don't need that jerk anymore. i don't need a guy to make me feel better about myself, you know?


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