Thursday, October 26, 2006


just got back from bandung/puncak.
you can say it was an alright trip. despite few thoughts that shouldn't have been there in the first place and whatnot. it was overall okay.
it gave me loads of time to think about myself. i realized how selfish and narrow-minded i've been. it's been hard to change myself. but now i realized it i want to change myself. i'm on the brink of the wall now, and i can feel in my blood. i will change.everything's changing.
alright so watsup? the bandung/puncak trip. it was alright. i bought a few clothes which i hope i will use in the future, and not let it become waste of money and material. what i was thinking of, you know my best clothes, i'm going to put it somewhere safe, and when i grow up and have kids already, one of them, i hope, is a girl, so if she's into the vintage/punk clothing, i could give her my old clothes. heheehe. that'll be awesome.
i don't know why, but i get really annoyed by my own people's accents. okay, i'm rich in filipino blood, i'm starting to become proud of my own blood, but i just get really annoyed when they started talking. i try not to show it, i hope it didnt show. i don't know, the guy whose family my family went with just then to bandung/puncak? yupp, DEEP accent. it annoyed me several times.
but hopefully i can get past it.
see?? sheer narrowmindedness.
alright, what else? i didnt do as much shopping as i would normally do, but im pretty happy of what i got.

wishing you all the stomach is rumbling for more food even though it grew around 5000 kgs this holiday. okay, that was an exaggeration, maybe around 4000 kg. arggh, better get the exercise wheels soon.


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