Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Don't Let Me Get Me..

Frankly, I am sometimes tired and agitated from all this love sick drama. One of my friends, who in my opinion, has set all this drama stage for us audience or I should say, friends, to react in, about telling us that she has no choice but to go out with this guy that she hated for a long time. Well, I shouldn’t say hate, but just strongly dislike, because, it’s really complicated to explain it all. And frankly, I’m not in the mood to create a long essay for some misunderstanding. Bottom line is, he likes her, but he hates her at the same time, you know? I don’t know, but I just don’t think that going out with him even though she doesn’t want to in the first place isn’t going to solve anything. It’s going to create a lot of doubts or even weirder, she might end up liking him. But still, it’s definitely like blackmail – the only reason why she has to go out with him is because he’s been spreading ‘rumors’ about her or something. But she’s so dang convinced about that, that I tried to tell her to talk to him first about it before she does anything, but she doesn’t want to anything. So in conclusion, she has to go out with him in order not to let everyone else hate her. I’m tired of telling her not to do it. It’s just so frustrating, I swear. I’m just going to not waste my time at all. If she goes out with him, I’ll be happy for her. Well, not really, but I’ll just leave my head out of it. And it never happened, he never asked her before, and I don’t think it’s going to happen so we’re just wasting our time talking about it. He doesn’t have the guts to. No guy has the guts to ask a girl out these days. Well, in my school that is. It’s really pathetic. That’s why I want a guy out of school. But I haven’t found it yet.
So yeah, what else, yeah? Yeah, mostly I just want to focus equally between my friendships with people casually (yup, I don’t want to be really serious about it and all, if you do, you set yourself up for major disappointments) and especially my schoolwork. I have a stupid SOSE presentation that I might go tomorrow or something – I hate presentations. I hate going up and presentating in class. It’s something I dread so much.
Yeah, lately, I’ve been exercising more than usual. It’s been really good lately, I really like the feeling of being fit. I just want my jeans to fit again, it’s so frustrating. And what else? Oh yeah, my stomach as well. It’s bulging like hell.
Oh, and money as well. I want to spend it right and save it right. I just don’t want buy anything that I might regret later on. I really hate that feeling. Today, I went to ITC to buy LOST season 2 DVD but the police raid might happened and in the end, all the disc shops were closed. Danggit!
Yeah, I just really need to step it up with my schoolwork. I hate being behind, and I just can’t seem to concentrate in school. Well, maybe it’s because I talk with my friends (to be honest sometimes) or something. But I want to try my best, you know, my parents don’t spend 4 mil a month to let me talk about whether my friend should go out with this guy or something. It’s vital for my future. That sounded weird.
I’m hungry, but I dunno what to eat. Seriously. I wish I had some seaweed but then I would have spend money and all.
The world is full with twists and turns. Especially with money and food and friends and schoolwork.
I hope I don’t screw up my schoolwork. Arggh.
Arggh, stupid SOSE presentation tomorrow.
I hope my concentration will miraculously drift up tomorrow


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