Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Paper Thin Walls...

Lately, I’ve been enriching my mind with reading books – well, I borrowed a couple of books, and I still have a few that I bought before but I really haven’t read them yet, and I’m planning to buy a few more. I don’t know whether I should, it’s like setting this whole thing u, but then at the end, I won’t do it, I keep procrastinating. It sucks a lot. I hate that. So what I want to do, is just balance all. Okay, for instance, I want to do this sort of special FOB scrapbook while doing another lyric book where I put all my favorite song lyrics on it. I haven’t done it in awhile, and what else? Ooh, I also want to explore my artistic skills, I started out pretty good, and I have some good drawings that I want to try and duplicate, but then I keep procrastinating and end up not doing it for a long time. It sucks, maybe I should create a schedule for some ‘free-me’ time.
Monday >>> Hmm, I have basketball practice, so maybe just a written song or two in the book.
Tuesday >>>> Perfect! Hmm, do something in the FOB scrapbook!
Wednesday >>> Start organizing the CDs..
Thursday >>> Time to bring out the pencils.. I’m going to bring out my artistic kind!
Friday >>> I’ll probably be watching a movie or something, other than that I might go out with my friends or something, or in a date….hahahha, probably in like a couple of weeks or something!
Saturday and Sunday >>> Catch up on some reading! Wait, better yet, I should better spend some everyday reading! Seriously, I want to become a BOOKWORM again!

Anyways, I feel gay because I’ve been exercising greatly. I’ve had a couple of basketball games with other schools (we won once and lost the other game) and I went to the gym once. The other days I had sport practices or P.E in school or I exercised in my house. Yeah, I feel great. But then yesterday, I noticed that I have a huge bloating on my stomach (which is so annoying I swear, it was there school started!!!) I really thought I had worms on my stomach, but it may have been just bloating. A couple of reasons is because you don’t chew food properly, that’s why you swallow mouthfuls of air. The other one is probably because you’re not eating the right diet. Well, I don’t know if whether my mom wasn’t here and I can’t eat homemade meals everyday anymore is a part of it or something. Arggh, it’s so bloated I swear!! I don’t know if it’s my period or something. I’m off drinking water now!!!
I’ve stopped almost completely drinking soda or whatever. Now, I drink either water or tea. Sometimes juice and milk as well. But now, I’m not going to drink soda for awhile.
Today, a couple of my friends (excluding my bestie, cause she has some family stuff to do) and I are planning to go to the mall and probably other places as well. Oh, I hope it turns out fun and not awkward. Seriously, I hope its not awkward anymore. I’m fed up of having awkard moments with them. It’s like I’m so boring or something!
What else? I’m planning to talk to my mom more. I already miss her not being here, so I want to talk to her like, everyday. Every moment counts, if something will happen in the future. You may never know that it may be their last day or something.
Studies?? I think I could juggle it, if I can stop procrastinating. Procrastinating. I hate that word so much.
I heart Andy. Well, not heart probably, but I think he’s HOT! He’s like the hot nerd, which is totally my type. But he’s really quiet. And I had experience liking quiet guys and trust me, it isn’t pleasant as you think. But yeah, he’s total eye candy! I thought I would have a crush on him these past couple of days, but then, I realize that I shouldn’t get my hopes up again and yeah, I’ll just stare at him for now x)
Hmm, guess what I’m going to do at Friday? I’m going to see the Lionel Richie concert! Hahahaha, his music is not really my type, but my dad wants me to go, so it’s good quality time with him and yeah, I want to start enhancing my music knowledge and all that.
I guess I’m girl who can never be satisfied in life, always searching out there for something new to define and enjoy. But that doesn’t mean contentment is a strange word. As I’m beginning to understand and appreciate life, I would always be happy with those around me, there are times where I would wish for something extra, but then at the end, I’m actually really happy for all the things around me, God, my friends, my family, everything. It may not be the perfect thing – we do all have our flaws and all that, but then, they’re always there x)
My faith… I’m proud to be a Catholic. But these past few days, I haven’t been doing exactly what I wanted. I hope it’s going to change today! I love God.
What else? I want to expand and design myspace account.. and my blogger as well. And my friendster. I want to start putting some animated stuff there, like quiz results and all that. hahaha, that but I got to pay attention on my internet limit. Oh shite x(
Jack Johnson at his best… Better Together…x)


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