Wednesday, July 19, 2006

This is How We Do It..

darn. i feel terribly weird. in a nauseous way. maybe it was the lack of sleep - or eating the popcorn last night. one of my friends sleptover. it was fun. we watched mostly the OC - she's now addicted to it. hahahaa. okay, i sound so dull and boring. just then i was practicing the dance steps for the concert, and i felt tired. but that sleeping problem bugs me. what i really want is a quick nap before i go to today's practice. what's different from this practice is that my close friend ain't going with me. she's going with this guy who she may or may not like. i dunno, we'll see. that doesn't bother me at all, it's just that i'm quite worried (ONCE AGAIN) wehther i'm going to be stuck alone sometimes. arggh. i hope it ain't that bad. i'll keep you updated.
past feelings may or may not rise. i hope it won't but i can't help but feel that's the only choice. and probably it'll be unrequited once again unnoticed. what i sort of promise myself is that i don't want to get my hopes up high. sometimes i wonder why do i have these feelings again? i mean, cmon. arggh. but i think 'he's' got his eye on someone else - my close friend. i'm not that paranoid anymore. seriously, i saw those lingering glance. minds may lie sometimes, but EYES do not.
hahaha. i'll be along my way doing my own businesss. go to start paying attention of the dancing instead of those glances. that'll just come when i least expect it to.
awwww goshh.wish me luck once again. i wish luck was on my side with my guardian angel sometimes. one of the worst things i tend to feel is your luck running away from your veins.
i feel weird.


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