Thursday, August 17, 2006

Pretty Vacant..

what am i doing?
sucking on a pen's thumb..literally. hahaha, i'm just doing nothing really. today it pretty much consists of the sweet but guilty-full daydreaming of sweet sweet + beautiful souls. i'm not going to mention anything specific, but IF anything would happen, and not including my imagination, i'll definitely tell you. but so far, imagination stays imagination. explaining here in words just kill it.
hmm, what else? sometimes i wish our imagination would, at one part, come true at least once in our lives. just once. but reality plays a totally different game which we have no choice but to play along.
okay im just going to spill it. it's all about the boy. not too specific but i think i really like him. i got my eye at him these past few days. but still, i don't think he knows that i exist. yeah yeah, those magazines+pop culture+common sense tells me to make the first move. first move i mean at least talking to him. but not that i'm shy, okay, well a part of the reason is that, but i just think we're in two different worlds that managed to brush along in this one event. yeah, pretty much all my instincts is to go and talk to him, but then again, another part wants him to go up and do it first. that part 's pretty big but i can assure you that's all i'm hoping for. just one move, and i'll do the rest. aside frm the asking out part.
i think i'm one of those old-fashioned girls - the guys have to do everything. well not exactly everything but the first move is the most important. i want to let him know that him, but i don't want that, tell everyone and then expect them to tell him sort of thing. i think i had a prety bad experience with that. i remember vividly last week at school my bestie tried to give me 'how-to-get-guys-to-like-you tips'. it wasn't anything serious, but we were cracking up most of the tyme. wait, i think i told you this already, but still...i wouldn't mind doing that, 'catching your eye thing'...i sometimes get that, but i look away once i see it. i mean seriously, in a second and it's missed. what i gotta learn is to keep that eye contact. and lets see what it adds up...


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