Monday, November 06, 2006

Shoot Your Gun...

I don’t like my school.
Five top reasons why it’s sort of sucks
It’s expensive and it’s not worth it at all. We still have to pay extra for books and after school activities.
It’s damn small. I’m beginning to despise the smallness of the school. I mean, arggh! I don’t know, sometimes I just don’t feel like I fit in for some reason.
Hmm, what else? The facilities are cheap. Cheap, cheap, cheap! The internet in the school computers aren’t that good, they’re so damn slow!
It’s not organized at all. The students here are all brainwashed and influenced from the laziness and now, the student council people canceled one event that’s supposed to happen. Arggh! It’s evident, I can think of various teachers that changed their job because of this school!
Last but not least… it’s not disciplined enough! Seriously man, everyone, including the teachers influence us their laziness. I had enough man. Seriously, I want a school that’s disciplined enough to run it’s own school events!

The thing that hurts, mostly, is the fact that my parents can’t afford to transfer me into another school. Arggh, I don’t like thinking about it, I just have to concentrate hard on my studies. Arggh, it can be a little bit distracting sometimes. I just have to hope for better futures. Money isn’t everything. But spending it on quality education is, and believe me, this school doesn’t have the value for it’s price. Arggh. I’m going to be stuck here forever, I swear. I will, I will, I will.
Hmm, what else? What else? The financial thing doesn’t really bother me as before, but it still delivers the bad feeling all over. Seriously man, I really want to move school. The main reason is for the better education. I want to prepare myself for college. I’m starting to think about my life in the future. It’s obvious that it’s not going to work out without any hard work. I mean, I want a good-paying job that I love. You know what I mean? I bet later, I have to distinguish the difference between the pleasure between materialistic things and spiritual things.
Guess I have to start working on it, eh?
IT all seems light years away.
My mind yearns to learn more about school. Quality education!
I just got my braces fixed. It doesn’t hurt at all, compared to the excruciating pain I felt before. It’s green. I don’t know why that’s important.
I can’t wait to have that winning smile.
I’ll be smiling all over the place.
Sometimes I feel like in the middle of the whole situation. Middle of how much we have. I mean, I have it all to what is seemed to be living comfortably. But somehow, just thinking that my parents have debts to pay, and that sometimes we got to struggle to make ends meet. I know I shouldn’t compare, okay, I’ll stop right now.


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