Sunday, December 10, 2006


okay, i don't know why i named this blog entry over some dirty hip hop song, but i gotta say, it's really catchy.
sighs. still single. hehe, my best friend, who never been single for at least a week, is now single. her recent boyfriend just dumped her. hehhee, at least now i have some company x)
but i promised myself i wouldn't let something little as that grow on me. i rather focus on the stuff that i have and enjoy it all, till the right moment comes. i don't want to pressure myself into it, or else my precious self-esteem would decrease and that would have a serious effect on me.
okay, whats new? i just got back from roadtripping to bandung with my father. my mom is in philz, and we're waiting for the results of her bone scan tommorow. i keep praying to the Lord that she will be alright, but sometimes i feel the sins i have committed prevent her from getting well. i don't know why i feel that why, maybe in some way, a karma. i don't know, it sounds weird on words, but its what i really feel.
i did shopping! lolz, i shopped for like 3 items of clothing - shorts, much needed wool sweater, and a pair of PINK boxers. hehee, cute! there were a few places where it looked really interested, but i think we couldn't go there. there were like antique music shops and rock clothing shops that looked really awesome. hmm, maybe the next time we go there i'll research for good shops here on the internet.
angelica hearts indie musique records.
+ rock musique clothing
+ vintage items. no COPYING.
+posters of bob marley and whatnot.

hahaha, i have yet to bound to experience thrift clothes shopping which i want to embark on with my best friend soon. and also, JIFFEST is coming around the corner. it's an international film festival and there are some movies that look pretty interesting.
i miss mymother. i hope my dad is doing alright.
i need to sleep but i'll spare 15 minutes just to write to you.
bandung was kewl. right now i got to focus on my
TREASURER report finance. i just realized how messy and disorganized i could be and i should be wayy more organized from the beginning. it's all about time management. whatever. i don't have to cooperation i want to have from others. motivation. motivation.
the trivia day tommorow. i hope it'll be a success. i'm part of the trivia committee and im sure as well hoping that the students are at least interested in it.
arggh. i want to be a better person in the eyes of Lord. but i keep finding myself in the same old cycle over and over again. like there's no room for improvements. im constantly trying my hardest to improve myself.
i guess i could use a distraction.
living life.
experience love like it should be.thrift. laugh till your stomach hurts. rolllercoastering with ur best buddy rite next to you. crying at a sappy ol' movie.listening to that one song that makes you feel alive. an out-of-body experience.
there are some things we all must bound to experience at least once in a lifetime.

next time on different seasons:
my awesome idea for the latest video of fall out boy's new single 'this aint a scene its an arms race'. its soo awesome, lolz. completely unique and i just thought all of it on my own whilst listening to it for like 20 times. xoxoxo


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