Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sweet Child of Mine..

A couple hours till the end of 2006. And I’m sitting here in front of the computer writing to you about it. Haha, I’m okay with that I guess. There will be times where I won’t celebrate New Year’s in my home sweet home. I’m just glad that I can write about it somewhere.

So the last day of 2006 was alright. To tell you the truth, I pretty much spent it goofing around with my sister. When she leaves, I’m really going to miss her L. Oh well… anyways, after we went to church, we went to the mall to sort of celebrate it. I bought myself a book called ‘Beijing Doll’. I only read like, 20 pages of it, but so far it looks pretty interesting. It’s about this girl who writes about her experiences living in Beijing. It doesn’t seem dull as I make it seem. It’s mostly about the freedom of youth and her ‘sexual awakening’. So far, it just talks about her relationships with several guys and how she deals with them. I’ll tell you more about it when I dive in deeper into this book. Man. There’s a ton of books that I havent’ finished reading yet, and now I’m out there buying myself new books.

Books I haven’t finished yet

- Different Seasons (Stephen King)

- My Sister’s Keeper (Jodi Picoult)

- Jane Eyre

- Beijing Doll

Hopefully I’ll finish them soon.

OK, just got back from KL. Even though we didn’t have that much money, I pretty much survived on it. I sort of expected it, so the disappointment that came wasn’t that much. Plus, I sort of came to a realization that there are plenty of people who have it much worse then me. But then again, that shouldn’t stop me in the first place, you know? I shouldn’t get myself upset over because of something as simple as that. This time, instead of getting upset because of it, I spent it mostly on focusing on the things that would last longer. At the end, I bought;

  • Oversized pink sunglasses. I bought them on this really awesome indie shop (I swear, KL is one of the best places to shop. There’s this mall that has tons and tons of boutiques, which the quality and the uniqueness of the outfits and accessories just blows my mind away. If you compare it to the ones here in Jakarta, the ones in KL would win by a landslide. Next time, I’m definitely going to that shop.
  • Denim miniskirt. Not only for the price, but it really fitted me. Plus, I don’t feel like spending my money on buying a signature piece on the mall if I could have a similar one for a cheaper price.
  • Pink and black striped leggings. You can’t find those in Jakarta. Even if you can, it’ll probably be like ten times higher than the price I got it in KL. It looks cool with a miniskirt.
  • These studded earrings. OK, I should have spent it on something else more daring and whatnot, but I guess it was just impulse shopping. It wasn’t that expensive though.
  • Razzles and condoms. Those are not for me though, hehehee. It’s pasulobong for my friends. The condoms are for my bestie, hehehehe.
  • Jim Morisson poster and a framed Ramones pic -- Rockets to Russia. It's damn awesome. I'm planning to expand it in the future.

The rest of the change in my pocket I spent it on buying chocolate and sour candy in the airport. Hehehe, I gained so much f-cking weight this holiday man. I really want to pursue on the exercise thing before we start school. I’m starting to feel self-conscious about my weight, no make that my STOMACH.

Hmm, what else what else? Yeahh, that’s pretty much it. Oh and the hotel we stayed in was divine. It was awesome, especially when you’re taking a bath. It had straight out HOT shower and 2 shower thingies.

Oh yeah. We almost didn’t get across Indonesia, you know why? Cause we weren’t able to get a visa or something because the embassy was too disorganized or something. I remember praying Our Father when my dad was trying to explain his way out of it to the embassy guy. I was about to pee in my pants, I swear. Argh, I hated that moment.

Groan, the stupid financial problems. We haven’t paid for the school fees yet so I can’t get my report card….arggh. I don’t like waiting for it. I hope that the money problems would ease this year man. I really hope so.

I’m having a sort of One Tree Hill flashback here, remembering the episode when Haley and Lucas writes what they hope and wish for the upcoming school year. This time, I’m going to write what I hope and wish for, put it in a hiding place and hope it’ll last. Hahaha, a year from now I would REMEMBER IT and read it. I wonder what’s it going to be like a year from now. Would it be for better, or for worse??! I wonder whether I’ll really accomplish anything this year. I really hope I would. I remember a year before, I was lying in the bed in our house in Sucat, and watching this New Year’s parade. My parents were lying on a mattress in the floor, talking about something. I was too busy listening to Fall Out Boy’s ‘Yule Shoot Your Eye Out’ and writing on my journal. It was a cool moment At least the weather was cool.

OK, I need to sign out. I’m going to write that list soon.

Have a happy new years.



Hmm… Wentworth Miller is my new Pete Wentz. Damn, he’s f-cking hot.


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