Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hapus Aku..

new keyboard with multimedia functions. colorful hi-tech mouse. wohoo.
hahaha, i love the feeling of tapping fingers to the new keyboard. hahaha. wohoo.
arggh, i don't know whether my dad would approve of this. i hope that he won't say in this mind, 'this is useless. there she goes again. spending money that we don't have' or something.' i really hate that. ahhh. this feels really good. i just hope it's enough to please my dad.
ahh, i hate talking about money problems. right now, it's seriously starting to build up. it's making me stressed. tommorow we're going to singapore. not for a damn vacation trip, but to get our visas renewed. i predict that this trip would be the MOST HECTIC for the year. i mean, we're supposed to get our damn visa available for like, 2 years in just one day. i mean come on. ahhh. i really am hoping that we won't waste any money or something. it's really squeezing off our bank accounts. and btw, did i tell you that we STILL haven't paid for all last sem's tuition????????
when will they pay?
i hate the waiting. i hate the waiting. i hate the waiting. when will they pay? and when can my dad can get a steady monthly salary? omg. omg. i hate the waiting.
but these current stresses really contradict my catholic faith. i just have wait patiently, you know? money shouldn't be the top priority in our lives, God's love should be. so, i better shift my head towards that, instead of money. but still, thinking about it after huge amounts of debt, it can surely be pretty hard.
i hate my bahasa indonesia man. i'm surely going to get like, bad scores, especially for the oral part, which is like 30% of the grade. if i get really bad for that, and average scores of the test and assignments, the luckiest i can get could be....C or something. a major blow to the grade point average. oh, and did i tell you that i get my honor's roll? a 3.5-3.75 GPA ..wohooo!! im soo excited.
but i could vividly remember that night, i cried my eyes out. personal problem for mysel regarding my family. i couldn't take it anymore that night. a night that was supposed to happy, became a nightmare for some reason. oh well, you can't win them all, can you?
what's really bothering me is the trip tommorow. the first priority is our visa and the duration of time. and immigration. i'm going to pray really hard man.
when that's finished, i hope that the collection of money will come pretty soon. ahhh. the debts, the debts.
i'm trying to shift. i'm trying to shift.
hope for better futures, eh????
i hope God can continue to help us. He's our only hope.
Sometimes my dedication doesn't seem to be enough.
financial stress seems to be our current middle name.
OMG. x(
ahh, these words aren't coming out right.
i better go right now.


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